The emergency mode is entered in the Khabarovsk Bikin because of leakage of sewer drains

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Khabarovsk. January 12. INTERFAX - the FAR EAST - the Mode of an emergency situation is declared in Bikin Bikin district Khabarovsk territory after a rush on the collecting pipe, reported on Thursday to agency" information agency "Interfaks" - Far East" the mayor Berezovsky Vladimir.

"Take now measures for rush elimination. Specialists of the operating organization work at a place - "Vodokanal Transit". For inhabitants water transportation" is organized, - Berezovsky Vladimir told.

As the chief specialist of department of civil defense and emergency situations of administration specified to agency Bikin district Timofeev Edouard, the rush on the collecting pipe occurred on the city suburb near the river Low-lying.

"There is a leakage of sewer drains. Threats of flooding are not present, hit of drains in water intaking constructions is not present as they are located above on a current", - Timofeev Edouard told.

In turn in Prosecutor's office of Khabarovsk territory to agency reported that upon a rush of the sewerage and to flooding of the land plots by drains an inspection is carried out.

"Check were organized by city prosecutor's office, the assessment of the maintenance of a sewer network will be given. For an assessment of the damage caused to ecology experts Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Natural Resource " are involved, - told the senior assistant prosecutor of edge on interaction from mass media Glazova Valentine.