In Management discussed possibilities of application of a new type of criminal penalty – forced hard labor
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To Russian Federation since January 1 of the current year the new type of criminal penalty – forced hard labor is put into operation. Russian Federation agrees criminal accurately to the code, places of serving of punishment for condemned to forced hard labor are special establishments – the corrective centers.

To Sakha (Yakutia) Republic the corrective center has to be opened by

, the senior assistant prosecutor of the republic Nikiforov Timur, and also heads of the interested services of territorial body of UIS discussed in Administration office Federal Penitentiary Service on Sakha (Yakutia) Republic within working meeting with participation of the head of department Dzyuby Vladislava, the vice-chairman Verkhovny of vessels the region.


during meeting it was noted that in department options of creation of the corrective center or the isolated site are studied at the correctional facility, functioning as the corrective center, in Lensk (at IK-8), the settlement the Top Bestyakh (at IK-3), and also in Yakutsk – at KP-2. To heads of municipalities for which territories creation of the corrective center is planned, letters on consideration of possibility of employment condemned to forced hard labor are sent.

we Will remind

, condemned to forced hard labor will independently reach the corrective center with the subsequent placement in a hostel of establishment and employment at the works determined by administration. They will be able to use modern means of communication – mobile communication and Internet, and in a case – to address in municipal medical institutions. Will contain however under supervision. Condemned, served not less than a third of sentence of punishment, accommodation opportunity with a family on leased or own living space, but within the territory in which the corrective center is located will be given.

the Press service Administration office Federal Penitentiary Service on Sakha (Yakutia) Republic.