Border villages to Omsk region fills in from Tyumen region in the winter
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among winter heats houses. The chief of Head department of regional security Omsk region Privalov Gennady visited yesterday Iskrovsky and Mangutsky rural settlements. In the village Mangut at the end of last year, despite the hard frosts, impounded there were 2 houses, the yards and the adjacent carriageway. In the territory of the rural settlement the mode of an emergency situation was entered. In Mangut delivered the excavator which dug through a trench that on it from houses the part of arriving water went to nearby lakes. by

"It is established that water arrives from Tyumen region. The stream makes 170 thousand CBM per day. And water does not freeze even at a temperature – 30 degrees", - noted Privalov Gennady.

according to chapter Nazyvayevsk district Staptsov Nicholas while water inflow on house adjoining territories of earlier impounded houses is not observed. Officials promise suit shoddy constructions for water drainage from the territory of the Mangutsky rural settlement. And it should be made in the next few days. to

to Heads of Nazyvayevsky and Krutinsky areas for prevention of flooding it is recommended to p in February - March to carry out necessary works on water drainage and providing its admission.

"Today we worked as p in a mode of sectional meeting with the leaders of Nazyvayevsky, Krutinsky and Tyukalinsky areas. Questions on acceptance of necessary preventive measures of timely carrying out drainage works to provide protection of the population against a high water are considered. It is a question of carrying out necessary drainage works to provide outflow of water which arrives from Tyumen region. Direct works on preparation of drainage system is planned to begin in February", - declared to the vice-president of Government of Omsk region Bondarev Igor (the quote according to Oblpravitelstvo).