The results of New Year's vacation summed up in Novoselitskoe district

Show original In administration Novoselitskoe district took place the meeting of administration first in this year under the chairmanship of Antonenko Vladimir Petrovich. took part In its work the chairman of the board of the Novoselitsky municipal area – Voronina Svetlana , deputy heads of the area, chiefs of departments and managements, heads of services of the area.

during meeting the results of New Year's vacation were summed up of

, plans of work for the near future are sounded and instructions are given.

In holidays in area administration, on objects of Household management company, in the social, general education organizations and cultural establishments of the area, made and approved schedules of watches, responsibles are appointed. Emergency situations are not registered.

Sinepalov Evgeny Yuryevich — the deputy chief of police (on protection of a public order) department Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation on Novoselitskoe district reported on

Sinepalov Eugenie

For the organization of leisure of new villagers during festive days off in the general education organizations and cultural institutions of the area there took place more than 200 actions which visited more than 5 thousand people.

the Special attention was paid by

to leisure of children and youth. Brightly and colourfully, with more improbably New Year's power passed the morning performances, the dramatized statements, quizes, concert and game programs, children's discos and sports meets, and certainly, Christmas Christmas carols.

In end, the head of the area thanked all for the work organization on holidays and wished to all services of the successful beginning of year, effective and fruitful work.

Khaustova L. P., chief of the organizational Protocol Department of Administration of the municipal district Novoselitsk of the Stavropol Territory