kak Christmas and Kurban ayt became the days off in Kasakhstan

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kak Christmas and Kurban ayt became the days off in Kazakhstan

In the night of January 7 there comes Christmas. In the republic it became long ago a holiday which is celebrated regardless of a nationality and religion.


However, it is necessary to remind that in the day off this holiday was officially declared rather recently. More than 10 years ago deputies prepared the bill which became a gift for all Kazakhstan citizens, having realized thus an order of the President of the country, reports Zakon.kz .

Then, during 11 sessions of Assembly of the people Kasakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev suggested to make the religious holidays, the first day Kurban ayta and orthodox Christmas, the days off. However earlier Constitutional council adopted the resolution that the announcement of religious holidays the state contradicts the Country constitution which Kasakhstan admits the secular state.

the Exit from this situation was found by deputies of parliamentary fraction "Asar" of Nazarbaeva D.N. and Kiselev S.V. which subsequently joined also Nigmatulin Ye.Z., and in law "About Work" (nowadays "The labor code"), having declared these days non-working.

Originally this innovation was met by p quite ambiguously, some deputies specified that thus interests of representatives of other faiths, and also atheists can be infringed in a certain measure. Supporters of the bill specified that within many centuries an orthodox holiday - Christmas and a Muslim holiday Kurban ayt became traditional, part of spiritual and moral life of the people that it is necessary to consider that fact that orthodox and Muslims make 95 percent of the population of our country.

as a result of their position it was supported by the majority of deputies, and also the government of the country and this bill found force of the official document - the Law Kasakhstan of December 30, 2005 No. 109-III "About entering of additions into the Law Kasakhstan "About work in Kasakhstan".

Since then, the first day Kurban ayta, noted on a Muslim calendar, and the Orthodox Christmas celebrated on January 7, are the days off.