In Cambodia look for the bloggers who have added the image of the king in a freeze frame from a gay porno

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brought criminal case though in the country punishment for majesty insult is not prescribed.

(Kazan, on January 2, "Tatar inform"). In Cambodia look for people who added the image of the king Norodom Siamoni in a freeze frame from a gay porno. "The Russian BBC service" reports about it Sayt Russkoy sluzhby BBC – the gay" was published in Sotsialnaya set Facebook ’e on the Gregorian Christmas, on December 25. Quickly enough the picture gathered much laykov, it started distributing in a social network. Today Ministry internal affairs of Kingdom Cambodia reported p to

about initiation of legal proceedings. According to the official representative of department, three malefactors one of which lives abroad are established. Suspects are going to arrest that they did not have imitators, transfers information agency "Agence France-Presse".

In detention of the joker who is allegedly living in Thailand, Cambodia count law enforcement agencies on the help of the authorities of the neighboring country. the Representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs emphasized p with

: "The king represents all nation if they offend the king, they offend all people". Let's note that thus in the Criminal code of the kingdom punishment for majesty insult is not prescribed.

Norodom Siamoni, long time being engaged in the ballet, ascended to a throne in the 2004th – after renunciation of the father Norodom Siamoni Sihanouk who with breaks led the country with 1941 goda.

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