Stavisky Maxime: the progressive socialism reigns in my Tzarevo

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the Double world champion in ice dance Stavisky Maxime told the correspondent of Sport News Agency "R-Sport" to Samokhvalov Anatoly about "awesomely" heavy trainings in show, chances from Averbukh Ilya , unfulfilled hopes Hristo Stoichkov , engineer work Kostomarov Roman, unnecessary acrobatics Maddison Chok , a form Ilyinykh Helena , artistic transformation Trankov Maxime and, of course, about love of the most Russian-Bulgarian figure skater and Denkova Albena.

People cry on a pedestal, and I stood in wild apathy

- Trankov Maxime, upon termination of career you became the showman playing the role both in "Ice Age", and in other shows, and Denkova/Staviski Cup passes in the fall to Bulgaria …

- Well, in the Bulgarian tournament we with Denkova Albena cannot accept rough participation. We are, as a rule, in Moscow, the tournament organization – big work therefore Denkova Albena Silvia are engaged in it mother, Lutay Andrey (the former Russian figure skater, nowadays the trainer - a comment Sport News Agency "R-Sport") and his wife Inna Demireva (the sister Denkova Albena). Tournament takes place in very convenient time when figure skaters need a form set, but many ask me: why there are no these or those known athletes on it?

- Yes, the first numbers to you, to put it mildly, does not get, unlike similar competitions in Bratislava, Espoo and to Oberstdorfa.

- do not go Yet. But those who comes suffice to us. Though there are difficulties: we cannot introduce dances because by this look we cannot pay back separate crew of judges. Did not grow.

- That is necessary for p to lift "Challenger" on level of mass spectator interest, instead of simply control starts for figure skaters?

- Once Denkova Albena was the president of the Bulgarian federation of figure skating, and its team quickly, having spent month for preparation, carried out at the request of Peter Krik (the sports director the International union of skaters on figure skating (ISU) – a comment. Sport News Agency "R-Sport") the junior World Cup, all remained are happy. Shout knew whom to call, knew that Denkova Albena always and everything finishes. And not casually ISU provides Bulgaria stages – while junior – the Grand Prix. And Denkova/Staviski Cup became continuation of history of trust to Denkova Albena. With it while work in Russian Federation suffices to us. We have a round with "Carmen", performance to Sochi, shootings on the First channel, will begin then fir-trees, then still round over the country …

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Gachinsky Arthur about a year ago which greedily told me approximately about the same as he is happy to roll dzhinglikov on an open skating rink as to I will fall puts at night programs for New Year trees. And it asked persistently, really its such deal arranges. And I will ask you.

- You know strong, adrenaline and nerves suffices at least in the same project with which we are occupied on the First channel. Loading not such, as during preparation for the Olympic Games, but precisely serious. Simply it is other work. But it interesting and difficult. Nobody perceives it thoughtlessly. "Oh and all right, not for the Olympic Games we fight!" - I hear sometimes. But actually all fight as for the Olympic Games.

is "Ice Age" - the Olympic Games?

- Yes, yes. With Kostomarov Roman we face somehow shooting, he and speaks: "It seems the Olympic Games ended long ago, what so shake?" "Do not speak, - I answer. – Nerves". You understand that you have one attempt, and it always excitement. Because it is impossible to be mistaken.

Figure skaters Tatyana Navka and Roman Kostomarov
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Figure skaters Navka Tatyana and Kostomarov Roman left not with the lover, and with Navka Tatyana , it too would shake?

- we had such project when we rode and with the partners, and changed them. I stayed and with Navka Tatyana, and with Drobyazko Margaret, and with Petrova Maria, and with Denkova Albena. Worried be healthy! If you do not endure, so to you all this indifferently. To us it is not indifferent.

- Yes, but being athletes you fought for an absolute maximum. Now it is not present.

- And fight remained. And again for a maximum, only the level at a maximum became lower. Your partner any more Denkova Albena, and not Navka Tatyana, but you try to use her opportunities as much as possible through competently put programs. To ride in show is to go nuts as hard! Simply in the World Cup at you a path of steps, and now – a rulezhka. You do not know, at what moment your partner will stumble or her will throw aside, you is constant in a pressure from it. After the first week of trainings at all of us the back ached, and hands withered.

- But the colors under the anthem do not hoist at the end.

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the Lithuanian figure skaters Drobyazko Margaret and Vanagas Povilas We speak at gala concert on figure skating "are Champions!" to Sochi in support of Paralympic dvizheniya

- Ha-ha, no. Only cups give. Yes at us from foreigners only Vanagas Povilas with Drobyazko Margaret yes I with Denkova Albena. When in my honor hoisted the colors and played the anthem, I felt a full devastation. After all just passed any, you gave all the best, any lifting of emotions did not remain. You watch on TV, people cry on a pedestal, and I stood in wild apathy. Without nerves, without inspiration.

- And when there is the most powerful exhaust of feelings?

- When you see estimates.


- But in "Ice Age" to you is given a mark 5.8, and the judge ask why it, such villain, so low estimated. Though for 5.8 people shed blood, sweat, tears and the Olympic Games won. What for circus?

- For 5.6 I spilled not less sweat. For 5.8 it is necessary otpakhat as the father Carlo, but before to get used to 5.5.

- And in show everything is so elementary.

- we Grow gradually (laughs).

Entered with Denkova Albena the three, each dog became uznavat

- Now you recognize more than when won the World Cup?

- To Bulgaria learned always, in Russian Federation – no. Problem that people here watch all the time down. Eyes do not raise from the earth. At first the person has a work, then he comes into shop that to buy a family of products, and all the time it is confused. But when you twist at the prime time moreover in the quite good project with a rating, start learning.

- In the countries like Estonia you get to ten the strongest on any kind of sports, and you are the national hero.

- When we with Denkova Albena for the first time rushed into world ten, too became heroes to Bulgaria. Euphoria all had be healthy! When the three entered, each dog learned, there was no place to hide.

Albena Denkova and Maxim Stavisky
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Denkova Albena and Stavisky Maxime other relation.

- the Country is more than strong, it is more than people. In shop I somehow wanted to buy wine, and the passport forgot. I show to the cashier of the right, she refuses: "By the rights it is impossible". Through two cash desks shout: "The woman, you know, who it? ! ". And then to me: "Trankov Maxime, you perfectly look!" . To me with a bottle it became inconvenient. To Bulgaria went to do some flying on a paraplane, fastened me a tandem to the person. Flew up. Turned round and round carefully, he and speaks: "I look, at you with a vestibular mechanism everything is normal, give if you want, pozavorachivay is sharper? " I not against. ", Perhaps, you play sports? ", - asks. Yes, - I answer. – Figure skating. "About! – exclaimed. – You know, to Bulgaria there is a figure skater, he too Russian. Also starts telling about me, long, with such nuances about which I at all did not know.

- You it know p? - asked. with

- Certainly, - I answer.

- And you as call?

- Trankov Maxime.

- And that too Trankov Maxime. What coincidence.

In two minutes to it doperlo that it I am that Russian figure skater." You give wheels", - I speak to it.

A narrated about me interestingly. Embellished some things, but the outline was traced the accurate.

Kostomarov Roman passed p on a minefield and won Olimpiadu

- I up to the end did not understand from what yours was born with Denkova Albena love? Working and being puffed up, realized, what are important for each other, or became a habit?

- the Love does not happen a habit. It is very difficult – to train with the person, to act with him and to live. We in sports had many such couples, for example, Lobacheva Irina with Averbukh Ilya ran up … Working disputes are transferred home, and it is extremely difficult to find mutual understanding therefore from a habit our love precisely did not arise. In 1996 we got up in couple, and in a year became already a whole.

Irina Lobachyova and Ilya Averbukh
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Lobacheva Irina and Averbukh Ilya was the private life, at me the, and then suddenly felt feelings.

- Many in figure skating disperse and meet. You passed both starts, and show …

- … It is not sports, and in life. Trankov Maxime with Volosozhar Tatyana got married and live moreover intend to come back it seems.

Tatyana Volosozhar and Maxim Trankov
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Volosozhar Tatyana and Trankov Maxime such development wants a href.

- And at children while other efforts. Then, education of the child and sports it is difficult.

- you when brought up p, missed sports?

- we Left till the birth, and the boredom was improbable. On adrenaline competitive, on loadings even. Withdrawal pains any were. With a parachute you will jump, slightly will release. Then again unscrews from within, pushes to movement. From a tarzanka siganesh, again let out spirit. Now a little bit calmed down.

- the Sofa did not rescue p?

- In general! For about three days it only can distract.

- football players have a standard history after completion of career: I wake up in the morning, I suffice a bag and I run on training. You looked for skates?

- I know strong where they lie. Several times happened that we work in the project without day off, and in three weeks it appears, and I on the machine gun drink coffee, I put on, I reach the car, Denkova Albena calls: "You where went?" . – "On a skating rink …". I come back, and there is no wish to sleep any more.

- you supplement p with each other as I understood.

- Yes. I easier, and Denkova Albena bother on each trifle on which and attention you should not turn. It puts to me emphases on trifles, and I convince her that there is nothing to spend the nerves.

- For what I you love p, so it for trifles, for ability to see them and to tell about them in detail.

- So I easy, but not thoughtless. The picture consists of trifles. And judges in dances give marks for trifles. Because of nonsense it is possible to lose five points. Therefore, speaking about dances, it is necessary to carp. Me call "pridirasty"." Come to us, - Juline Alexander told me . – It is necessary that you looked at hire Ekaterina Bobrova and Solovyev Dimitri ". I come, children do hire, finish. Yes, well, good fellows, - shout to them because of a board. And then I start telling that is good, and that is bad. Children rolled up eyes. Good it was saddened by not made Choctaw or still any element of a path of steps. If we with Denkova Albena did not carp at ourselves, anything would not win. For Bulgaria. Our Choktau saw nobody if he was not elaborate. Otherwise we could not compete with Navka Tatyana and Kostomarov Roman, with Canadians, with Americans. In a different way anybody would not allow us to win.

Ekaterina Bobrova and Dmitry Solovyov
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Ekaterina Bobrova and Solovyev Dimitri hated you most of all?

- Anybody, children understand that at competitions they will be judged same pridira, as well as by me. Monko Xenia with Khalyavin Kirill , I remember, very silently all carried out, and Ekaterina Bobrova about Solovyev Dimitri threw up the hands after my remarks, but went and remade. Were not insolent, with me it is difficult to be insolent. I not just like that went to get to the bottom, language to scratch and dump. I like to praise but when children do that, for what will put then in them on tournament … There will be no "your" referee which with the touched look will present good points. There you go with thought that you will fill up.

- And in crew of technical specialists.

- Yes, which son rides, for example, at the trainer of your competitors. And to whom it will deliver level above? And then he will want to deliver to another the couple fourth (maximum), and he will be pushed sideways by the colleague watching repetition of the moment.

- the Technical expert can bring logical base under argument of understating or level increase?

- Can. Therefore it is necessary to do so that it could not carp. At the Olympic Games we had a case. We otkatali official training, drove up to a side, and the familiar technical expert asks: "Where Choctaw? ". I on the second circle of a path, again to a board. "Choctaw is not present! ", - again I hear. " Denkova Albena, give, quickly once again we will pass", - I drag the partner in the skating rink center. After I ask: "Well?" .

- there is no Choctaw.

- your mother!


- Do still.

- Andras how you did not notice Choctaw?

- Yes I prikolnulsya. You so do it is indicative that is opposite. As though scoff at us and for fools hold.

- So it also is because you will make not specifically, will not include. Because of you three times a path made.

- Andras – the Hungarian?

- Yes, my friend.

- Ekaterina Bobrova told that at the Grand Prix stage in America to it on business lowered complexity level, and to the following start they improved.

Tessa Virchu and Scott Moyr (Canada)
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Tessa Virchu and Moyr Scott (Canada)

- In principle and. In America at me to it were claims, in her feet uncertainty was felt. In Russian Federation they made everything well and won. Beyts Evan was mistaken (the American Beyts Evan, acting with Maddison Chok , broke tvizzly - a comment Sport News Agency "R-Sport"). In general, from this, that I looked, Beyts Evan, Virchu / Moyr Scott , Weaver / Pozhe do not make impression. About anything.

- Weaver with Pozhe has a transitional stage.

- At Virchu / Moyr Scott too.

- And "bolvanchik" Shibutani Alex iron?

- While iron. At the Olympic Games in short dance at us all fell in Turin purely passed on this minefield and won the Olympic Games.

Trankov Maxime understood, what virtuosity in couples at theater not artistizm

- Acrobatics Chok / Beyts Evan – future dances? to

- it is not necessary to strong, it is not pleasant to me.

- it is better for p to leave and povalsirovat?

- Simply povalsirovat does not turn out any more, but the acrobatics is a search, the partner twist as a monkey, and the esthetics of supports disappears.

- Cool.

Maddison Chok and Evan Bates
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Maddison Chok and Beyts Evan and Solovyev Dimitri made in essence only one new support – when the partner headfirst. Interesting pose. Good fellows! But it one. And vapors Razgulyaev Yuris constantly think out new positions in rotations, in paths. At all for level, and for interest.

- "Swan" Ilyinykh Helena live since its couple with Katsalapov Nikita , but this her face, points gets the stable.

- Yes she does not get the necessary points for this "face". By the way, its grimaces in short dance were not pleasant to me, so to rumple a lip – in my opinion, superfluous. Ilyinykh Helena needs to enter a form if she in general wants to compete and does not want that her partner broke. Equipment of possession of the fad, flexibility, an extension at it at high level. In this season quietly to it there corresponds Zhiganshin who tightened the level. It was necessary to look at itself in a mirror.

Victoria Sinitsyna and Nikita Katsalapov
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Sinitsina Victoria and Katsalapov Nikita you did not have a certain exterior, the partner allegedly did not have growth.

- it is optional, now girls are selected less because acrobatics with yourself equal on growth especially you will not work. And presently was considered that figure skaters have to be approximately identical. The only thing when I started riding with Denkova Albena, skill level at me as at the Russian athlete was higher, and I "sat down" on feet below. Since then I fill heels and a sole in front to be on couple of centimeters more. Denkova Albena over time on "village" feet as it is necessary, and I and continue to mold to myself a sole. The habit remained.

- Competitions of sports couples sometimes to watch p it is uninteresting because of monotony of elements.

Maxim Trankov
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Trankov Maxime in the teleproject and understood: that in sports is considered virtuosity, at our theater on ice it not virtuosity absolutely. And now he learns to give an expression and idea of statement in a different way. At us just like that you will not wave the handle is it is necessary to nobody. In dances the program always was performance, in couples about it did not bother. But time goes and in dances the plot stops being trouble. The levels made, and about what the program – without difference. Look at Americans, slow penetrating music, they go on a platform, brows made a lodge and elementiki sharashat. About anything.

- You appreciate, but I am tormented by a question: when at a side will get up?

- That at a side to rise, it is necessary to be at it. And I constantly go on tour. Juline Alexander offered two years me a rate at himself in group. Answered that I will not be able to fulfill it because of traveling.

- the Question of priorities. Choice for you.

Honoured Master of Sports of Russia, producer of own ice show Ilya Averbukh
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Zasluzhenny the master of sports of Russian Federation, the producer of own ice show Averbukh Ilya (Averbukh Ilya, the head of a number of show projects – with a comment Sport News Agency "R-Sport") …

- So it only begins.

- At Averbukh Ilya, maybe, also begins, and we have health and age... Averbukh Ilya for certain will start saying goodbye to us in turn soon. Understand, I do not run from work in sports, simply we try to hook on that Averbukh Ilya gives us according to the full program.

- in figure skating you will not earn p by the Trainer much?

- Not in it business. In figure skating it is possible to receive normally, putting programs and advising athletes. But it is other work, you will not combine it with performance in show. But also before I will reach.

- Show will not tighten p?

- No to become the trainer always it is possible to be in time.

- You as the trainer is more than p the technician or the choreographer?

- the Technician. But too I put programs.

- More after all you watch correctness of an edge?

- have more than p, simply any trainer has to watch equipment. But not any can put the program. And, happens that you are a director, do to the figure skaters of number the year, two, three, and then understand that it is necessary to call someone from outside. It how to replace photowall-paper.

- When such understanding arises?

- When the trainer tells strong to the pupil, the pupil sincerely hears it, but does not improve. And here somebody calls on, tells to the figure skater the same, as his trainer, and the athlete in a trice like.

Pyotr Chernyshev
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Chernyshev Petr which competed at good level, but not in a top, from year to year under the direction of Zueva Marina, then came "from outside" the choreographer Chernyshev Petr , delivered them the program, and they with it ascended to a new step? Under the direction of Zueva Marina.

- Certainly. Thus in itself Shibutani Alex champions would not become because of usual change of the director.

More abruptly Topalov Veselin

- the Child what language speaks p to


- In Russian, the most part of time carries out here, Denkova Albena too with it speaks Russian. Bulgarian understands and can answer on it. There comes to Sofia once a year for a month and day through three scratches on local quietly.

- the Bulgarian grand master Topalov Veselin in big interview Sport News Agency "R-Sport" told that, living to Spain, it brings the daughter home that that studied Bulgarian.

- To Spain it is good, but to Bulgaria the unique atmosphere. It regularly is required to me.

Veselin Topalov (Bulgaria)
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Topalov Veselin (Bulgaria)

- In what trifles it is expressed?

- And the devil only knows!

- In a pickles?

- Precisely is not present, a pickles Russian is pleasant to me unambiguously more. In a small town Tzarevo where all know each other and each other help, is at us summer, so we will tell, giving. The progressive socialism reigns there. The sand truck for repair is necessary to you, for example. Will come to nobody to mind to look for shop or the market, all look for the necessary person. And another grows up potato on a kitchen garden, can fill a bag and bring to the neighbor, having taken from that lamb. Warm situation. And not from the warm sea.

- I in this atmosphere you hide?

- From whom to me to hide? I have simply a rest.

- yours to Denkova Albena popularity to Bulgaria is comparable to that, what at Topalov Veselin?

- In my opinion, we were more abruptly, than Topalov Veselin. And quite long period. Our sports more spectacular. But Topalov Veselin – the outstanding personality and the beautiful guy.

- And with Hristo Stoichkov ?

- Hristo – a legend! People do not know where Bulgaria, but Hristo know. We communicated.

Hristo Stoichkov
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of Stoichkov

- O than?

- Got acquainted through his agent. There was any scandal, Hristo it seems to himself on the car fastened a flasher though it was not necessary to it. Then headed the national team Bulgaria. All, naturally, started being spat. I asked it: "Hristo, on a horse-radish it is necessary to you?" .

- I thought, something will turn out, - he answered.

- And why it did not turn out? – I specified.

- But because they like to walk very much. All night long in clubs stick out, and do not want to train. to

- it is clear to p. Familiar situation.

- the Provoker it notable.

- That the provoker means? He wants that someone followed in its tracks. We with Denkova Albena finished, and we too wanted that to Bulgaria traditions of figure skating remained.

- Before a match from the national team of Russian Federation in the 90th Stoichkov told something it seems "Russians released us, now we will release them". From the World Cup.

- Now that ours that Bulgarians play equally badly. And here that they exempted us from South Stream, it in vain, but already depends nothing on them actually.

they us exempted p from South Stream, it in vain, but on them already depends nothing actually.