In 2016 power consumption of China will make about 4,36 billion tons of conditional fuel

@IA Sin'hua
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Beijing, 28 December/Xinhua / - By estimation, in 2016 power consumption volume in China will make about 4,36 billion tons of conditional fuel in a coal equivalent / at. e./at increase approximately on 1,4 percent in comparison with previous year. The chief of Public administration reported about it for power Bekri Nur on Tuesday.

At the all-China branch meeting which has taken place the day before the official told that in 2016 the share of not fossil types of energy carriers in the total amount of power consumption of the country will make 13,3 percent that on 1,3 percentage points it is more, than in 2015. The total volume of power production will decrease approximately by 5,1 percent to 3,43 billion tons u.e. Rated capacity of power plants will reach 1,65 billion kW.

According to him, in 2016 the volume of electricity consumption will make in the country about 6 trillion kWh with a gain on 5 percent.

He also noted improvement of quality of power supply. So far in the country the annual plan for reduction of capacities of coal is already implemented, the 12,4 million kW power objects burning coal are closed. In 2016 China made significant progress in work on development of environmentally friendly power sources: the country is in the lead in the world on power gidro-, vetro-and solar power stations.