Videoart from Saint Petersburg showed to Krasnoyarsk citizens
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In the Krasnoyarsk House of cinema can see the exhibitions which have opened within the Krasnoyarsk international festival of screen and media of arts.

In media gallery of movie theater presented an exposition "Video artists from Saint Petersburg", presenting the exhibition project from a CYLAND media laboratory videoarchive (the curator — Ilyushkina Victoria). Works are devoted to a subject of perception of art. Artists use a video camera and digital technologies to present communication of a sound, movements, images. Among works — animation from drawings from nature, modern choreography, informal conversations of artists about iskusstve.

Fotovystavka "Off-screen: cinema" Smetanikov Dimitri
Fotovystavka "Off-screen: the cinema" Smetanikov Dimitri
Kadr from work "Declaration" Rudyeva Veronica - Ryazantseva in the form of the aria singing of iskusstvo
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Kadr from work of "Field" of Tereshko Alena in which are used about one thousand drawings fixing position of a body, available to direct zreniyu
and Popova Maia), recreating the past moments by means of khoreografii
— it is self-representation through video, a photo, soobshcheniya

Fotovystavka in the foyer — "Off-screen: the cinema" Smetanikov Dimitri (Krasnoyarsk — Saint Petersburg) represents a film production wrong side. It shows that occurs behind a camera lens on a set. Cinema creation — very difficult, labor-intensive process in which everyone has to be engaged in the work. On pictures interaction of two elements of systems is displayed: members of a film crew and the world surrounding them to which they devote the life.

of the Exhibition can watch in the House film till January 16. Entrance svobodny.