Club KHL "Slovan" declared repayment of debts to players and about the new sponsor

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Moscow, 22 Dec - Sport News Agency "R-Sport". Club KHL " Slovan " from Bratislava declared strong repayment of debts to players and about signing of the contract until the end of a season with possibility of prolongation with the new sponsor who became the German company.

at the beginning of December the Slovak portal with reference to the forward "Slovan" Radek Smolenyak reported that hockey players of Bratislava team are going to boycott KHL regular championship matches because of many months debts on a salary. On Wednesday the general partner of club Shimko Vasilii declared to Sport News Agency "R-Sport" that "Slovan's" all financial problems until the end of a season are solved.

"Thanks to the signed agreement at the beginning of the current week were extinguished all by debts to players of the main team of club. Currently the club has no debts to one acting or former player of the main team", – is spoken in the message on the official site club.

"Slovan" in a KHL regular championship match on Wednesday won a victory over "Tractor" with the score 1:0 . The team from Bratislava takes the 11th place in West division standings.