Gold - poison for Amur region? (Blagoveschensk)
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Zolotodobyvayushchiye of companies regularly fine for metal production with damage to ecology

the Gold mining enterprise "Cooperative association starateley Arkhara" fined for zagryazneniyevody in the river. Small Birya. Thus specialists of the Amur management of Rosprirodnazor claim that the facts of pollution of the rivers and the lakes Amur region industrial wastes come to light annually.

Mercury or cyanide?

Often in tests of water are found by the high content of the weighed substances and oil products. But gold miners fine, and process of pollution does not stop. Especially it concerns the mining industry. Specifics of technologies such is what to avoid damage of ecology it is simply impossible.

And process was not influenced even by change of reagent by means of which gold is extracted from ore. Let's remind, applied mercury tens years ago. On a bottom of capacity placed breed, poured liquid metal. It enveloped gold particles. Dead rock separated. "Mix" of metals heated to high temperatures, and gold exfoliated. Way the extremely toxic. Vapors of mercury polluted everything around.

the Amur ecologists consider that on a place of old developments mercury still contains in the soil. But to prove it, it is necessary to conduct laboratory researches. Meanwhile competence of local management of Rosprirodnazor does not include such control. And at public men on such expensive analyses of money is not present. At the same time during checks of operating mines the staff of the Amur nature protection management repeatedly made samplings of soils on the content of mercury. And laboratory researches showed negative result.

- to production of ore gold are applied Today by cyanides, - Fedorovskaya Ludmila, the former head of the Amur regional public institution " Ecological an initiative" speaks. - But "there's small choice in rotten apples": precious metal leach cyanide of sodium which is capable to transfer the smallest particles to cyanic water-soluble connections. Then from them by means of reactants gold is extracted. There are the highly toxic cyanic solutions which not are subject pererabotke.

Mensheye angrily to


the Smallest harm to environment, strangely enough, do drazhny and overburden methods of development of gold deposits.

- Today the enterprises have an opportunity to render the minimum harm of ecology, - Goryachev Vyacheslav, the chief of the department of Department of the Federal Service of the Natural Resources Supervision of the Amur region explains. - For example, in the territory Amur region extract loose gold in two ways: flushing devices and drags. Both mean construction of dams and settlers (to a place of conducting mining operations and after), intended for a filtration of water and removal of excess moisture from the production range.

However not all enterprises observe these norms. Many artels, having constructed dams and settlers, periodically them open, merging dirty water "direct flow" to the river. Unfortunately, today there are no concrete administrative methods obliging the enterprises to establish powerful modern treatment facilities.

Meanwhile since January 1, 2019 a number of changes in the legislation on environmental protection into parts

will come into force
Vyacheslav Goryachev
Last position: Head (Department of the Federal Service of the Natural Resources Supervision of the Amur region)
Astafyeva Galina
Fedorovskaya Ludmila