Yurkin Valentine: "Book" Mintimer Shaimiev" is an encyclopedia of rescue Russian Federation"

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in the course of creation of the book the team from 50-60 people participated.

(Kazan, on December 19, "Tatar inform", Arseny Mavrin"). On book "Mintimer Shaimiev" presentation from a series "Life of remarkable people. The biography proceeds …" to Kazan the author of the project and the director general of Young Guard publishing house Yurkin Valentine emphasized: "In all our big history, and we are 95 years old already, I after all allocate today especially" and at once explained why: "About the contemporary history Russian Federation is written to p by

many books, here 2 poles were – Gorbachev, Yeltsin. Certificates, memoirs, it was much written. However, all of them lose before the book which we celebrate today. Because they or come true as it is done by Mikhail Sergeyevich and his colleagues. Or others accuse of something to acquit itself. And so, unlike them, here the reform mechanism, the mechanism of rescue of the republic is shown in this book, eventually – the mechanism of rescue Russian Federation. About a situation that developed then, Mintimer Shaimiev told personally: as a domino effect as thermonuclear reaction – if Republic of Tatarstan moved, Russian Federation would fall down in that state which was in the 17th century. Therefore I would like to tell: this book – the encyclopedia. It is the political textbook. It is history. It is rare on sincerity and honesty the document. Amazingly personal participation Mintimer Shaimiev. There is not present a uniform note of narcissism – only business, reforms and rescue Republic of Tatarstan and Russian Federation".


O in an opening speech were told also the head by Presidential Administration of the Republic of Tatarstan Asgat Akhmetovich Safarov: "Today it is already conventional, and we with confidence can say that elections on June 12, 1991 in the conditions of growing instability and a convincing victory on these elections Mintimer Shaimiev played a key role stabilization of a political and economic situation in Republic of Tatarstan. Strategic vision and organizing abilities Mintimer Shaimiev, the talent of the diplomat, the politician, all his life, and the main thing love to the people, allowed to create a special way of development of the republic as we speak – model Republic of Tatarstan" at the most critical stage, – he noted. Also added what exactly Mintimer Shaimiev laid the foundation of the verified policy in the field of the international and interfaith relations. And behind this experience today to the republic go from all over the world. by

that in 125 years, namely there is a Life of Remarkable People series (all so much is interesting to p there was 1800 volumes covering 1000-year history Russian Federation and 5000-year history of the world), Mintimer Shaimiev – only the second representative of the Tatar people who has received such honor. The first in 1977 became Tukay Gabdulla.

the Book about the first President Republic of Tatarstan was conceived by p 3 years ago, but for the objective reasons – to the decision the most Mintimer Shaimiev, the break was taken. "I understand that Mintimer Shaimiev – not that person who makes hasty decisions. Therefore only in a year we met. It was the remarkable meeting. You know that who gets to an orbit of his charm, becomes his friend. And then work" began, – Yurkin Valentine shared memoirs. In the course of creation of the book the team from 50-60 people participated. It their words, reminiscence, impression of communication and collaboration with Mintimer Shaimiev, two journalists – Tsibulsky Igor and Nursyuya Shaydullina collected in 600-page volume. "It was extremely easy for p to work as

with the book. Once you called Tarpishchev Shamil – to your great tennis player, and he right there responded. We called Piotrovsky Mikhail Borisovich. This is the head of the Hermitage – our great contemporary. And the great person – No. 1 in the world in culture, it right there responded. Absolutely different people equally warmly treat our hero is an and present liberal Kudrin, and devout Slavophiles", – the author of all project told about history of creation of the book. It compared Mintimer Shaimiev to Napoleon for whom by his own recognition by the major achievement in life there was a Civil code France. For the first President Republic of Tatarstan and the republics as a whole not less important document became the Declaration on the State sovereignty.

as a whole cycle "Life of remarkable people. The biography proceeds …" on a plan of authors pursues two aims – to help people, first of all, to youth to understand an era in which we live, and to imprint books of those people which bear on myself all weight of ours, we will tell directly, not really simple era. And in itself, this book too is very necessary. "Life lessons, philosophy of thinking and politicians Mintimer Shaimiev are important. Lessons are important to us today and they will be important tomorrow. I do not exclude and at all I do not assume, and is sure that scientific and practical conferences, scientific conferences on the basis of the appeal to this book have to be and will be", – the director general of "Young guard" emphasized.

Yurkin Valentine and personal impression of a meeting and collaboration Shared p with Mintimer Shaimiev: "I thank personally – for destiny and good luck of personal meeting with the most charming and great person", – he told and added that the book "Mintimer Shaimiev" already appeared or will appear abroad soon. There in this series show huge interest.

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Mintimer Shaimiev
Last position: State councilor of the Republic of Tatarstan
Asgat Akhmetovich Safarov
Last position: Head (Presidential Administration of the Republic of Tatarstan)
Shamil Tarpishchev
Mikhail Borisovich Piotrovsky
Main activity:Official