Vladivostok continues to develop as the center in ATR

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Inostrannyye businessmen showed a great interest to Vladivostok in 2016

on December 19, regional news agency "PrimaMedia". Results of 2016: active development Vladivostok as the center in Asian and Pacific Rim, expansion of the twinning relations with the cities of the different countries of the world proceeds. Besides, much attention in the expiring year was paid also to development of tourist appeal of the seaside capital, reported regional news agency "PrimaMedia" in the city hall press service.

B 2016 in Vladivostok there began work two more consulate generals of foreign countries. In April the consulate general North Korea which before more than half a century, since 1958, was in Nakhodka opened. And in September the raised status of consulate general China in Vladivostok received Primorsky territory since 2005 office of consulate general China in the city Khabarovsk. In this regard Vladivostok began to play even more important role in development of versatile mutually advantageous communications with these neighboring countries.

Consulate general of Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Photo: Ratnikov Alexander, regional news agency "PrimaMedia" seven consulate generals – besides China actively work and North Korea are presented Japan, Yuzhnaya Koreya, United States of America, India and Vietnam, and also 16 honourable consuls from the countries of the foreign and neighboring countries – Germany, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Slovakia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Laos, Chile, South Africa, South Ossetia, Kyrgyzstan.

On their total (23) Vladivostok is to Russian Federation on the third place after Saint Petersburg and Yekaterinburg. Thus the city, actively and dynamically developing , has good chances soon to come on this indicator to the second place as in the capital of Ural 25 consular establishments of foreign countries – everything two more work, than in Vladivostok.

Administration of Vladivostok also continues to develop the twinning relations with the cities of the different countries of the world. Them at the capital Primorsky territory today 14: Niigata, Hakodate and gorod Akita (Japan), San Diego, Juneau and Tacoma (United States of America), Busan and Inchon (Yuzhnaya Koreya), Dalian and Yanbyan-Koreysky autonomous area (China), Wonsan (North Korea). Manta (Ecuador), Kota Kinabalu (Malaysia), and also Russian Vladikavkaz.

in the Summer of the expiring year organized "The Euroasian expedition" from Busan — the twin-city Vladivostok within which in the capital Primorsky territory there passed a series of business seminars, a big joint Russian-Korean concert of friendship.

Mayor of Harbin Zhang Vanpin and deputy head of administration of Vladivostok Alexander Yurov

Mayor Harbin Zhang Vanpin and deputy of chapter of Administration of Vladivostok Yurov Alexander. Photo: the press service of Administration of Vladivostok. So, in 2016 Vladivostok was visited by some delegations from this Chinese city, during meetings with which the question of the conclusion of the contract of the twinning relations was actively discussed . After all with Harbin as with any other city of the world, Vladivostok is connected by more than 150 years of friendship and the rich historical past.

B Vladivostok were visited 2016 by tens foreign delegations among which it is possible to celebrate meetings with ambassadors India, Indonesia, Japan, Finland, with the vice-Minister of Education, cultures, sports, science and equipment Japan Hiroyuki Yosiie and the high-ranking delegation from France.

the Great interest to Vladivostok were shown by foreign businessmen: during the whole year there was an active cooperation with the South Korean company "Yushin Engineering" during VKAD project preparation, passed negotiations with the largest international hotel ACCOR HOTELS network concerning construction and opening in the capital Primorsky territory new hotels.

Many international actions took place in 2016 in Vladivostok and within development of cultural and sports cooperation.

So, in honor of the 25 anniversary of establishment of the twinning relations between Vladivostok and Niigata carried out various thematic master classes for inhabitants of the capital Primorsky territory , and the Vladivostok youth teams on basketball and soccer paid visit to Niigata where played friendly matches with local sports collectives. Athletes from Vladivostok took part in traditional running in the city of Sakayminato, and our dancing collectives acted with concerts in the cities gorod Akita (Japan) and Busan (Yuzhnaya Koreya).

In turn, school students from Seoul visited Vladivostok where Primorsky territory, master classes, an exchange of experience of carrying out study and leisure with age-mates from Vladivostok were provided to them the big excursion program with a course of lectures on stories of the capital.

on June 17 on the embankment of Sports harbor Vladivostok hundreds admirers of a healthy lifestyle together with the invited instructors from India with big scope noted the International day of yoga . By the way, now and consulate general India in Vladivostok is considered by Administration of Vladivostok and the Indian city Visakhapatnam.

The international day of yoga in Vladivostok. Photo: Borodina Maria, regional news agency "PrimaMedia". So, <= "http://primamedia.ru/news/507256 /"> experts City administration prepared a href and issued the complex Vladivostok on all objects of tourist display in the Russian, English and Chinese languages with the indication of original walking tours. The guide already is in great demand at foreign and Russian tourists and at representatives of travel agencies.

Complex Vladivostok guide. Photo: the press service of Administration of Vladivostok also numerous negotiations and working meetings with representatives of travel business China, Yuzhnaya Koreya, Japan concerning improvement of conditions on reception in our city of foreign tourists were held.

Thanks to it in 2016 the tourist flow of guests Vladivostok grew by 25%, in comparison with 2015 godom.