The administration Vuktyl developed an order of granting by municipal employees of data on the pages on social networks

@Komi N'jus
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The specified order is fixed in developed at the initiative of prosecutor's office administration Vuktyl the regulatory legal act.

ADMINISTRATION OF THE CITY DISTRICT "VUKTYL" considered the offer of prosecutor's office of the city on need of adoption of the regulatory legal act regulating an order of granting by citizens, applying for replacement of a position of municipal service, and municipal employees of data on addresses of sites and (or) pages of sites in the Internet on which these persons within three last years placed public information, and also given, allowing to identify them.

the Norm, obliging to provide the specified data municipal employees and the citizens applying for replacement of a position of municipal service, is entered into the federal law "About municipal service in the Russian Federation" in June, 2016.

In November of the current year the prosecutor's office Vuktyl sent to p to local administration the offer on need of adoption of the regulatory legal act regulating an order of execution by municipal employees of the specified duty. The offer of prosecutor's office is considered.

ADMINISTRATION OF THE CITY DISTRICT "VUKTYL" adopted the resolution of December 12, 2016 No. 12/812 with which the Order of granting by municipal employees and the citizens applying for replacement of a position of municipal service, data on addresses of sites and (or) pages of sites in the information and telecommunication Internet network on which these persons within three last years placed public information is defined, and also given, allowing to identify them.