Anniversaries on December 17: from champions to the Pope

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Anniversaries on December 17: from champions to the Pope
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80 of years back was born strong 266th the Pope Francis (in the world Jorge Mario Rakhoy Bergoglio). On the honourable post he was elected on March 13, 2013. It is remarkable that Francis – the father first in the history from the New World and the first for more than 1 200 years the Father not from Europe (after Syrian Grigory III governing from 731 to 741 years).

T akzhe Francis – the first Father Jesuit and the first father monk since the time of Grigory XVI consisting in an award kamaldulov. And still Pope Francis refused viewing of any telecasts in what vowed to Virgin Mary 22 years ago.

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90 years ago this day carried out by the first All-Union population census . It was the first census which has captured all population of the country. It was carried out by poll method (self-notation was thus allowed also), the cash population was considered. The program of census included 14 points with subparagraphs: sex, age, nationality, the native language, the birthplace, duration of accommodation in a census place, a marriage state, literacy, physical defects, mental health, situation in occupation and work branch, duration of unemployment and former occupation (only for the unemployed), a source of a subsistence (only for those who has no occupation). Besides in the family card the family structure, duration of marriage and a housing condition was noted. Census began on December 17 and lasted two weeks in the village and week in the cities. Preliminary results were published in 1927, short results – in 1927-1929, and full results – in 56 volumes in 1928-1933.

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Annually on the third Saturday of December in our country celebrate a professional holiday – Day of the realtor (officially it is not established yet). The realtor call the real estate agent or to operations with real estate, in other words – the dealer in real estate. For Russian Federation this profession is rather new, the first realtor companies appeared in the country in the early nineties. And in 1996 the first Day of the realtor as which initiator of establishment the Moscow professional guild acted, with the purpose to note a contribution of domestic realtors to formation of the civilized market of real estate to Russian Federation and achievements of employees in this branch was informally spent.

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60 years ago the Soviet gymnast, the double Olympic champion Lyukin Valery was born p. At the Olympic Games of 1988 Lyukin Valery zavoveval "gold" in team championship and in exercises on a crossbeam, and also "silver" in all-round and exercises on bars. The world champion in team championship (1987, 1991), the all-around champion Europe (1987), the all-around champion of the USSR (1987), the champion of the USSR in exercises on a horse (1991), rings (1989), bars (1991), a crossbeam (1988) and in vaults (1987), Lyukin Valery – the first performer of a threefold somersault back in floor exercises at the international competitions (1987). In 1992 the athlete moved together with a family to United States of America where together with the friend Marchenko Eugenie organized the International Olympic gymnastic academy.

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of 20 years execute today to the Russian figure skater-odinochnitse, the world champion, Europe and Russian Federation by Tuktamysheva Elizabeth . Tuktamysheva Elizabeth for a long time call the child prodigy in figure skating: at the age of 12 years it executed extremely difficult elements – an axel in three and a half turns and the "threefold Lutz-a threefold sheepskin coat" cascade, and also owned all arsenal of triple jumps. As of November, 2016 Tuktamysheva Elizabeth take the 5th place in a rating of the International union of skaters (ISU).

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Jorge Mario Bergolyo (Frantsisk)
Last position: Pope (Catholic church)
Valery Lyukin
Last position: The senior coach of the women's national team of Brazil on gymnastics (FEDERAL STATE-FUNDED EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION FOREIGN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION MGAFK)
Elizabeth Tuktamysheva
Last position: The professional athlete on figure skating
Marchenko Eugenie