The beginning of a big way — from the Boston tea drinking to the Kiev Maidan

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243 years ago, on December 16, 1773, in Boston occurred protest action of the American colonists in response to actions Government of Great Britain, become history under a name of the Boston tea drinking. This event became the beginning of the American revolution and to formation of United States of America

In the city Boston on east coast North America made on December 16, 1773 such strong tea with smack of salty sea water that euphoria from its reception led to revolution and formation of the new state — United States of America. Whether this event which has received the historical name "Boston Tea Drinking" is valid, was the catalyst to war for independence of North American colonies with the mother country — United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland or it was only an episode in the inevitable sequence of the events which has deprived England of huge overseas possession?

Yes and no. However that it occurred in Boston, is far from casual. In the second half of the XVIII century in the territory of the present United States of America there were 13 states — the colonies which were under control of English administration. The overwhelming part of the population had no electoral rights. The English parliament interfered with acceptance in the ranks of representatives of overseas territories. In colonies construction of steel works and cotton-mills was forbidden — the part of suppliers of raw materials for the industry United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland was assigned to them.

27/43 In September, 1774 the First Continental Congress which has gathered in Philadelphia was called In September, 1774 the First Continental Congress which has gone to gorod Filadelfiya was called established for colonies high rates of taxes, entered duties on imported goods, forced colonists to keep at own expense English regular army and numerous officials. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland imposed a ban on development of the western lands where colonists for capture of "neutral" territories aspired, without being confused at all that these lands belonged to their primordial owners — Indians.

All this

caused protests and indignation in colonies where along with proceeding emigration from Europe, one generation of white Americans grew any more, the local political elite for which foggy Albion the homeland was not was formed. They "wanted to dominate and all vladeti".

the Numerous secret organizations created for the purpose of release from oppression of English administration, appeared to gorod Filadelfiya, New York and other cities North America.

I such large city as 17-thousand Boston in which else in 1636 the first American university — the well-known Harvard was open, inevitably had to become one of the separatism and fight centers for independence which had in the beginning purely economic character. The leader of movement for office from England in Boston became Samyuel Adams Samuel, the member of the House of Representatives of State of Massachusetts.

Po it long time served a twist of fate in colonial administration, being the official on tax collecting. In 1765 he headed the Boston organization "Sons of Freedom" which purpose in the beginning was fight for representation of colonies in English parliament, and then and for full office of North American colonies from United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

"Sons of freedom" were among the most radical organizations, among their members the majority was made by representatives of working class and small traders. The main form of a protest, according to the organization motto: "Is not present to taxes without representation! ", boycott of English goods was. They fought also for providing electoral rights to workers, counteracted placement in Boston English colonial armies. So, in 1768 members of the organization boycotted construction of army barracks, without having allowed builders to get down to work. Members of the revolutionary organization carried on a breast specially made sign with the image "Freedom Tree" — an elm under which they usually gathered for meetings.

After murder in Boston in March, 1770 English soldiers of 5 locals, become history as "The Boston slaughter", "Sons of freedom" sharply intensified preparation for armed revolt. Her members had training in military camps. The organization bought the weapon, ammunition, regimentals and stored them in hiding places. To the activists of the organization who have lost work as a result of the activity, financial help from special funds was given.

Sama the scheme of preparation for revolt which led to formation of the new country, is very similar to those technologies which use United States of America now for overthrow of objectionable modes and the organization of "color" revolutions. If in modern Ukraine radicals for punishment with objectionable to them officials use garbage tanks, "Sons of freedom" acted not less resolutely. To English administration they smeared government officials, and also loyal citizens with tar, threw out in feathers and carried on the city attached to long poles. Effigies of officials hanged out on trees, their houses, warehouse and office buildings were exposed to robberies and arsons.

during the mass riots caused by attempt of the English authorities to put into operation "The law on the stamp duty", in Boston crushed even the estate of the vice governor.

the organization was entered also by wealthy people, dear citizens who have become subsequently widely known politicians of United States of America to . Among them were Adams John — the cousin Samyuela Adams Samuel, the known lawyer in the city. It is interesting that after mass riots of 1770 in Boston, one of which organizers was his brother, Adams John protected in court of eight English soldiers accused of murder of unarmed citizens. Also carried the case. The court acquitted six soldiers, and two found guilty only of unpremeditated murder. Paul River, the city jeweler — future national hero of United States of America, too was the active participant of the Boston revolutionary organization. He directly directed an action on tea destruction in port Boston, and then became famous during war for independence.

B 1765 the English parliament adopted the next law significantly striking the rights and freedoms of colonists, so-called "The law on the stamp duty". The sense of this document was that any commercial activity, up to small trade in subjects of handicraft work, and also registration of any civil documents in North American colonies was assessed with special stamp collecting.

the Mass protest actions which have flashed in all colonial cities , including in Boston, compelled United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in a year this law to cancel. It was the first, but not the last victory of the separatists which has pushed them to further fight for office from United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

B 1698 the English East Indian company according to the decision of English parliament became the monopolist on supply of tea to United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, part from which was on sale at auctions for North America. Transporting tea from one colony (India) in another (North America), United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland did not wish to suffer the competition from outside Netherlands, France and other countries, and in 1721 issued the law ordering to North American colonies to buy tea only to England. However heavy taxes and duties deprived the English East Indian company of planned profits as colonists bought cheaper illicit goods from Dutches and French much more willingly. Huge losses of the company compelled parliament England in 1773 to adopt so-called "The tea law", actually releasing the East Indian company from payment of taxes to United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and allowing directly to sell the goods in North American colonies. It allowed to reduce twice practically the prices of tea and to get rid of competitors. The English East Indian company acquired the right to deliver tea in a colony at own expense. In Boston, gorod Filadelfiya, New York and Charleston the company placed representations and appointed the consignees who had to accept goods and realize it for a commission.

But — rather small so-called three-pence Taundshendsky duty established in 1771 which was paid at arrival of goods in port of unloading of directly colonial administration, that is to the governor of the province remained, and made one of sources of financing of government officials in a colony. It practically did not influence the goods price (3 pence for tea pound), but was very essential irritant for separatists.

in the Fall of 1773 of 7 English ships with tea freight onboard went to North America. The harbor of the city Boston the first included on November 27 the ship of the East Indian company under the name "Dartmouth", a little later "Eleonora" and "Biver" joined it.

Samyuel Adams Samuel urged the Boston consignees English tea not to accept and retire as their colleagues in New York and gorod Filadelfiya arrived. In seaport pickets of the Sons of Freedom organization were exposed. For descriptive reasons some warehouse of consignees were plundered.

the Population Boston, warmed up by activists of "Sons of freedom", meanwhile held mass meetings with the requirement to the authorities and owners of the ships immediately to leave port, without unloading tea.

Korabli with freight stood idle in port, and at this time it became known that other vessels of the company because of counteraction of local population could not unload and left New York and gorod Filadelfiya, and in Charleston freight in general was confiscated by customs. The captains of ships, being in Boston, decided not to tempt destiny and to return to England with tea freight onboard.

However the governor of State of Massachusetts Khatchinson Thomas, terribly interested in unloading of vessels as two his sons were among the Boston consignees of the East Indian company. He hoped and for payment of Taunshendsky duty. He forbade captains to leave harbor, having promised to solve their problems.

Under the law the cargo ship could be in port no more than 20 days. During this time it has to unload, and owners of goods — to pay duty. On the expiration of this time freight was subject to confiscation by customs. On December 16 this term expired, and the ships still remained in harbor. The many thousands crowd protesting filled again streets and the squares of the city adjacent to port, and did not disperse till late evening when, actually, and operation on tea destruction — well-known "The Boston tea drinking" began. That it there was, as a matter of fact, the real sabotage operation, does not raise any doubts.

the Trade ships of the East Indian company United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland — in essence is the high-capacity semi-warships which had onboard from 30 to 35 tools for protection against pirates. As a rule, a half of team of 100 — 150 people was made by British, all of them were armed. Undoubtedly, port Boston, moorings, the ships and freight were protected both the armed crew, and soldiers of the governor, and if necessary they would use the weapon, without deliberating. Nevertheless, it did not occur. The diversionary group "Sons of freedom", on Samyuel's instructions Adams Samuel, without protection counteraction, got on the ships and in three hours unloaded vessels, having simply abandoned boxes with tea in gulf waters. 45 tons of the most valuable goods were destroyed. British, probably, simply were afraid to show resistance to "dischargers", in the presence of a large number of militant people in port who did not think to disperse. Imperceptibly it is simply impossible to unload 3 ocean cargo ships, even at night.

"Sons of freedom", and them, by some estimates, Boston were disguised as clothes of Indians of a tribe mokhokov. It once again proves that the action prepared in advance, not in one day, after all the fighting equipment of Indians in each shop Boston hardly was on sale. Certainly, no Indians in operation of participation accepted, anybody and did not accuse them of it, all knew well who "made" the Boston tea. Voiny-mokhoki shaved the heads bare, leaving a small shred of hair. And disguised colonists did not wish to have a shave. Their suits and fighting coloring unless could serve as an obstacle for identification of the personality when carrying out investigation. Perhaps on this case the masquerade also was conceived.

Sanktsii and repressions of the English authorities followed immediately.

the English parliament demanded p from the governor Khatchinson Thomas to find and punish guilty, caused to the British company losses of 10 000 pounds sterling (two million dollars at the prices of our time).

the Seaport in Boston was closed by p, the Legislative assembly of State of Massachusetts, and then and legislature of other provinces is dismissed. The governor Khatchinson Thomas eventually together with all administration was dismissed, its place was taken by Gage's general Thomas Geydzha.

But, as they say, process already went.

In the beginning the representatives of 12 states who have gathered in 1774 to gorod Filadelfiya for the First Continental congress, developed and accepted the petition — the address to the English king George III which the power of an English crown in case of implementation of requirements for cancellation of the last decisions of English parliament admitted. Otherwise trade with the mother country completely stopped. In reply the British parliament entered the martial law in State of Massachusetts. The congress immediately reacted, having made the decision on creation of the regular army. It already was the step which one — war …

could follow only to

a revolution Fire zapolykhal in 1775, and in July, 1776 the Declaration of independence of United States of America was proclaimed. Organizers of "The Boston tea drinking" became far not the last citizens of the new country. Paul River was the owner of the first copper rolling plants. In his honor in Boston the monument is established and the house museum is open.

Samyuel Adams Samuel served to a position of the governor of the native staff, and his brother Adams John in general held the highest state position — he was elected the second President of the United States of America.

the Fate of indirect participants of "a tea ceremony" in Boston — Indians of a tribe mokhoki — is unenviable. Battling in War for independence of United States of America on the party of governmental armies, they suffered defeat and receded together with British to Canada, winners got their lands "by the right of the conqueror". Now to United States of America representatives of this tribe live in the north State of New York, and their number hardly exceeds 20 000 people. The relation of colonists to indigenous people of America was expressed not so long ago by the known American journalist Bom Michael — in one of publicistic transfers on the Russian television. He told literally the following: "If we did not kill Indians, America …" Could not be Added to it …

Well, and to United States of America "The Boston tea drinking" is considered a national holiday, a revolution harbinger. The mooring where historical events were once developed, has a museum, nearby on waves the sailing ship — the copy of "Dartmouth" on which for tourists arrange fancy-dress representations rocks. However in 1973 representation was not so comic — aboard the ship the locals protesting against a preponderance of oil monopolies rose, and dumped in waters of the gulf of a barrel from under oil. And on a yard of the ship acting President of the United States of America — Nikson Richard hung up an effigy. Round date was so celebrated: 200 anniversary of the Boston winter tea drinking.

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