In the Government discussed implementation of the state program for development Koryakia – the territory with the special status

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the State program Kamchatka territory "Social and economic development territories with the special status "Koryak Autonomous Area" is executed by . Meeting took place under the chairmanship of the First vice governor Kamchatka territory Untilova Irina. of

the Results of execution of the state program in 10 months of the current year were summed up chapter of Administration Koryak Autonomous Area by Paderin Vyacheslav. It reminded that the state program included 9 subprogrammes.

Was noted that until the end of the current year construction of the 8th room house in the village Kamensk Penzhinsky district and 12 room houses in the village Tymlat Karaga district will come to the end. Also construction of office of the general practitioner in the village of Hailino Olyutorsky district comes to an end, the educational complex school – kindergarten in Ust-Hayryuzovo's village is put into operation. Besides, project works on kindergarten construction on 150 places in Ossor's settlement Karaga district, kindergarten on 150 places in Tilichiki's village Olyutorsky district, a rural educational complex in the village Kamensk Penzhinsky district on 161 student's and 80 preschool places and many other things are kept.
Also during meeting were sounded the reasons complicating execution of the program. The analysis was carried out by Administration Koryak Autonomous Area together with Ministry constructions Kamchatka territory, other performers of the program.
"Should consider that on execution of the actions planned in the program, difficult climatic conditions influence; low transport availability; limited terms of the navigation period, and also unavailability of suppliers (contractors, performers), taking part in competitive procedures, to works in such conditions", - were told by the head of administration.
of Administration Koryak Autonomous Area together with participants and collaborators of actions of a state program Kamchatka territory "Social and economic development territories with the special status "Koryak Autonomous Area" is entrusted to take exhaustive measures for full development of financial means within its realization. The report on execution of the program will go to Ministry Ekonomicheskoe development and trade Kamchatka territory quarterly during the whole 2017.
"To heads of municipalities and, directly, Administration Koryak Autonomous Area, it is necessary to penetrate more deeply into programs to warn those mistakes which are obvious and which could be avoided", - Untilova Irina told.
Besides, during meeting was considered the question "About Realization in Kamchatka territory Legislations in the Sphere of Ensuring the Rights of Disabled People", the report on activity of Fund of capital repairs apartment houses Kamchatka territory was heard and the territorial program of the state guarantees of free rendering to citizens of medical care in the territory Kamchatka territory for 2017 and on planning period 2018 and 2019 is approved.