Eleven instructions on elimination of violations of the housing legislation were received by administration of Lakes

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Eleven instructions Head department "State housing inspectorate" Moscow region on elimination of 22 violations of the housing legislation were received by ADMINISTRATION GORODSKOGO OKRUGA OZYORY, the department press service reports.

"ADMINISTRATION GORODSKOGO OKRUGA OZYORY received 11 instructions Goszhilinspektion Moscow region on elimination of 22 violations of the housing legislation following the results of the planned inspection which has come to the end in December", – Head department of the Moscow region "State Housing Inspectorate of the Moscow region" Vadim Sokov are quoted in the message of the head.

At once five types of violations municipal officials allowed

at coordination of reorganizations and re-plannings. In defiance of provisions of the law they demanded a consent of all owners in the house for re-plannings in adjacent rooms, did not send the decision on coordination of these actions to body of registration of real estate, could not submit acts of an inspection of completion of the coordinated works, etc., it is noted in the press release.


B it it is supplemented that for delivery to applicants of permissions to the translation of rooms from premises in uninhabited and vice versa, and also informing of their neighbors the administration established itself much bigger terms, than it is provided by the legislation. Also she demanded to provide the excessive documents not provided in the housing code.

"Repeatedly the municipality "lost" being in the territory of the city district apartment houses. In the program of preparation for the come winter there were no 84 houses. 16 houses were not included in the regional program of capital repairs, still for 22 criteria of sequence of carrying out overhaul were not estimated. At last, in 73 apartment houses councils and their chairmen were not elected. Though, in pursuance of standards of the housing code, the administration has to call general meetings of owners for the solution of these questions", – is spoken in the message.

various bodies making decisions in the sphere of Household management company appeared

not fully completed. The structure of the public commission on housing questions at administration did not include local deputies. In structure of the commission on recognition of accident rate of houses – representatives of Rostekhnadzor. And the list of municipal housing inspectors was not approved at all by the relevant legal act, follows from the press release.

as it should be it appeared

of Not all and in work with documents. For example, in Lakes two Books of the accounting of the citizens consisting on the account as needing housing on sotsnaymu were kept at once. Violations are revealed also at establishment of a payment for premises, work with specialized housing stock, and on other directions, it is noted in a material.

"On elimination of all violations instructions with various dates of performance are issued to

. I pay attention to need of strict observance of these terms. In Moscow region already repeatedly administrations of municipalities and their heads were brought to administrative responsibility for non-execution, or execution not in time and not completely our instructions", – declared Vadim Sokov.

Source: Site of Government of Moscow region