In State of Michigan on roads launched cars without wheel and pedals

@Voditel' Peterburga
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In Michigan on roads launched cars without wheel and pedals

The authorities American State of Michigan granted permission to come out to roads to public completely independent cars. They have no bodies external managements, and, respectively, the driver or the operator.

American State of Michigan granted permission to

of the Power to come out to roads to public completely independent cars. They have no bodies external managements, and, respectively, the driver or the operator, reports the British edition to magazine "Autocar" .

State of Michigan became the first staff to United States of America where allowed to test on the general roads and to sell category Highly Autonomous Vehicles vehicles (HAV – high-autonomous transport). Authorities of the state consider it as a key step to the statement of a position State of Michigan as the center of the American automotive industry.

"We delivered to

the world on wheels and now have to lay a way to transformation of automotive industry", – the governor twisted State of Michigan Richard Deyl Snayder.

As are noted by the edition, now 16 American states already allow open road tests of autonomous vehicles in this or that form. After State of Michigan to State of California too already are going to allow for the general roads cars without wheel, pedals and drivers.

the New law, according to journalists, is issued to please to the "house" producer, Ford Motor Co. which is going to begin in 2021 mass production UAVs. While company tests the innovations on roads State of California, but the step from the authorities State of Michigan will allow to carry out now tests and near headquarters of Ford in Detroit.

Experts from scientific research institute of transport researches at Michigan university with care treated such step. They emphasize that these technologies still too new and such vehicles can constitute danger on roads general use. However, the adopted law provides that in case Air UAVs makes road accidents, permission can be withdrawn at least for research and elimination by developers of the reasons of the incident.