Donald Trump appointed chapter of Ministry internal affairs of United States of America

@Magnitogorskij Metall
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The new President of the United States Donald Trump appointed the Minister of Internal Affairs of United States of America the member of the House of Representatives of the Congress of the republican Ryan Zinke from State of Montana. About it reports information agency "Reuters". Ryan Zinke 55 years, it served in forces of a special purpose of Naval Forces of United States of America Navy SEAL ("seals"). He is a congressman from State of Montana since 2015. Besides Zinke, to a position of chapter Ministries of Internal Affairs Donald Trump considered also republican congressmen Raul Raphael Labrador (State of Idaho) and Cathy Makmorris-Rodzhers (State of Washington). Ministry internal affairs of United States of America regulates use of federal lands and production of natural resources, and also.