Forest wardens participated in a working meeting

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At employees of the Zvenigorod branch Public institution MO "Mosoblles" the period of New Year's Eve holidays – the special time connected with cares, protection and savings of coniferous young growths from unauthorized cabins.

on December 2 employees of the Ruzsky local forest area and the staff of Administration of the municipal district Ruzsk held the joint meeting directed on informing of citizens through sites of municipalities about responsibility for the unauthorized cabin of coniferous breeds of trees (fir-trees, a pine).

At a meeting were present the senior local forest warden of the Ruzsky local forest area Borovkov M. Yu. to department of ecology and environmental management of administration Ruza district Pinyaev I. S.

during a meeting the gathered agreed about placement of the propaganda and information materials prepared by forest wardens, urging to give the Ruzsky woods a gift – to leave a fir-tree in the wood, on the official sites of city and rural settlements of the Ruzsky municipal area.

Employees of the Ruzsky local forest area urge the population not to violate the forest law!

If you became the witness of the illegal cabin of coniferous plantings in forest fund, we ask you to report immediately about it in the Zvenigorod branch Public institution MO "Mosoblles" by phone: 8-495-598-29-59 or by phone: 02 .

Source: Forestry Committee of the Moscow region