Kamchatka territory and Belarus adjust business contracts

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the Draft of the plan of measures for 2017-2019 on implementation of the agreement between Government of Republic of Belarus and Government of Kamchatka Territory about trade and economic, scientific and technical and cultural cooperation were developed by the authorities of two territories. This document is planned to approve soon. It becomes a basis of practical work for both parties. It it was declared at a meeting of delegation of Belarus with representatives of executive authorities of edge, local government, a business community.
"Your visit testifies to implementation of our agreement which we signed last year. For us it is very important. At Kamchatka territory today there is a serious potential and possibilities of development. Therefore cooperation in the trade sphere, in the sphere of road construction, in the sphere housing-and-municipal and agriculture is interesting to us. It is sure that during your stay here you will find on Kamchatka territory those points of growth which can be realized in rather serious projects interesting to two parties", - Untilova Irina told the First vice governor Kamchatka territory, welcoming guests.
In turn representatives of the Belarusian delegation noted that now the authorities of the republic seek for cooperation not only with the central regions Russian Federation, but also subjects Far East.
"This year we for the first time participated in East economic forum. The head of our department held very good meeting with the governor Vladimirov Ivanovich Ilyukhin and actually thanks to that agreement which they there reached, we arrived today on the peninsula. At a meeting that mutual interest which exists to cooperation between Belarus and Kamchatka territory was confirmed. This cooperation is possible both in barter, and in other branches", - the head of department of the analysis and forecasting of Management of coordination of foreign economic activity of International business department told Ministry of foreign affairs of the Republic of Belarus Kadnikov Dimitri.
according to the mute, commodity turnover between Kamchatka territory and Belarus makes today 1 million dollars a year. Generally it is import on the peninsula of products of meat and dairy group. At the same time, the authorities of edge and the republic are interested in cooperation and in other directions. The plan of concrete actions will allow to solve this problem.