The saved funds in Istra will allocate for construction of schools, kindergartens and moving of a hazardous dwelling after formation

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Saved as a result of formation of the city district Istra will allocate funds for building of objects of infrastructure and moving of a hazardous dwelling, reports TV channel "360 ° Moscow area" with reference to the head of administration Istra district Dunaev Andrey.

As are reminded by TV channel, the initiative of formation of the city district Istra was taken by Council of deputies of the Buzharovsky settlement – one of 14 in the area. The offer apprehended positively and in other territories of municipality. Now have to pass public hearings — the first discussions will begin next week.

"It is obvious that there will be no division into different levels of competence and will enter much more simply state programs that will allow to resolve quicker problem issues", – Dunaev Andrey told.

As it is noted by

in a material, one and a half years ago the builder of the residential district East LLC "KASKAD" Istra district signed with administration the letter of guarantee with obligations at first constructions of school and kindergartens. However because of the unfair contractor construction did not begin. Inhabitants are compelled to be reconciled with social difficulties.


After transformation of the municipal area to the city district will be constructed school on 850 places and two kindergartens on 140 places everyone, it is emphasized in the message.

according to TV channel, in the address list of the emergency apartment houses demanding moving of residents in the next two years, six houses at the moment appear

. After transformation of the municipal area to the city district two multiroom 5-storeyed houses in the settlement Bullfinches and inhabitants will be built of emergency houses will are settled.


As it is added in a material, in the 2016th year one of the oldest schools of the city noted the 60 - summer anniversary. For years of the existence it let out more than 4 thousand graduates. The school is designed for 400 people, and more than 700 pupils study in it. After transformation of the municipal area to the city district the building will broaden, having completed an extension on 400 places. It will allow to liquidate the second change, consists in the message.

Source: Site of Government of Moscow region