In Nizhnevartovsk the drunk driver hurrying to the aid of the friend, collected couple more of cars in a heap

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B Nizhnevartovsk inspectors of traffic police are going to carry out the next round-up of drunk drivers. From this evening and till Monday patrols will watch especially fixedly all participants of traffic. Daily employees reveal to six drivers who took the wheel after a feast.

"The other day there was a case when the man, having had a rest at home and having taken alcoholic beverages, decided to help the friend to start the frozen car. Having come out to the road vartovchanin made a road accident with participation of two more cars. Fortunately, nobody suffered. Now to the man threatens not only deprivation of the driving license for the long term, but also compensation of the caused damage at the expense of the family budget", - information agency "SIA-Press" the senior inspector of group of promotion of BDD OGIBDD UMVD told Russian Federation across Nizhnevartovsk to Dubaenko Nicholas .

according to inspectors, inhabitants help to reveal drunk citizens also. Daily on "trust phone KGBU FROM Srtsn "Balakhtinsky"" State traffic inspectorates 49-72-24 from vartovchan arrives 2-3 calls with the message that the condition of this or that driver causes suspicions. The facts are checked immediately by inspectors and often fears are confirmed.

of All since the beginning of year in Nizhnevartovsk detained 965 drivers who were at a wheel in a state of intoxication. About 290 more people are made responsible for a repeated offense. As emphasized in traffic police, 444 more drivers also were punished, however refused to pass medical survey.

Dmitry Ozerskoy

Nicholas Dubaenko