Russians and the West European governors made heroes of comics

@Gazeta "Metro"
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To "Tsaritsyno" recovered Ekaterina's mystical short story II

    – the candidate of art criticism, the associate professor of domestic art istfaka Moskovsky state university named after M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosova, Moskovsky university or Moscow State University – long ago investigates Gothic taste which appeared in the 18th century and gave life to the detective, the thriller and plots in style nuar. "The Chesmensky palace" - Catherine II written in a genre of the Gothic short story the only play. Work and remained a sketch.

    – In the play there is no plot and through action, but there is a discussion of topics of the day of that time and an exchange of courtesies and causticities of different sovereigns . It is the peculiar verbal buttle shrouded in mysticism, – the curator of an exhibition tells. – The German governor Friedrich, for example, in the short story easily talks to Nevsky Alexander. He speaks to it: "And what it at you such overgrown chin? ", on what that answers it: "It is not necessary to judge people on their beard".

    sovereigns, and their portraits which on a plot hang in Georgiyevsky to a hall of the Chesmensky palace Exchange words not.

    – We became interested in that structurally the play reminds separate Internet posts, – artists Politov Aleksey and Belova Marina speak. – Therefore decided to make volume portraits in stylistics of comics.

    Together with Politov Aleksey and Belova Marina install space were organized by one more married couple of artists with a long-term experience. Plotnikov Yegor and Buravleva Eugenie never worked together earlier. And here at last tried.

    Plotnikov Yegor created figures of minor heroes of the play which arise in the course of conversation of portraits, and Buravleva Eugenie specially for an exhibition wrote the landscape which has become the composite center.

    to us it was important that this landscape was not visible at an entrance. It is a Gothic intrigue, – the artist explains Buravleva Eugenie. – All Gothic works are constructed on secret which remains till the last moment. Therefore the picture is as though fenced off by a screen for which one of the main characters of the play the watchman veteran looks. It overhears conversations of exchanging words portraits.

    of the Screen it was widely used in a life in the 18th century: them closed everything, from toilet rooms to beds. And artists decided to hide a tsaritsynsky landscape in which that Chesmensky palace is entered from foreign eyes. Such here mystical interlacing.

    But here, the visitor gets to the main hall not at once. At first to it suggest to get acquainted with the work text on an electronic tablet. After – to become the viewer of creation of the director Ovchinnikova Julia. Ovchinnikova Julia modestly are called by performance by an audiovisual sketch. In this film performance the actor "Gogol center" Avdeev Philipp reads Catherine II work under the music reminding sounds of a casket. In the next hall where sounds of the movie reach the turning cylinder stylized under a lamp of the 18th eyelid took place. On it silhouettes of governors of different eras are represented. They that arise, disappear, as any phenomena in memory. And in the arch draped with black fabric, by means of a projector "ghosts" of governors are shown.

    I only after such thorough immersion in the work atmosphere, the visitor passes into the main hall. Sees portraits, a screen, a landscape behind it and - very important point - figures of characters chaotically scattered on a parquet. They as if toys in a nursery. Visitors should be extremely attentive not to step on someone from them. It sets thinking that fragile and it it is very simple to destroy our world. It is necessary to be accurate not to allow it.

    the Exhibition will work with p till March 19. Organizers promise to give in its framework lectures about Gothic taste in architecture "Tsaritsyno", and artists to conduct informative tours.