Mixed up with Pushkin: library party in KTs "Hitrovka"

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It is time for div to learn that such bibliotechnik

Data: on November 25 at 19:00.

Place: Hitrovka Cultural center (Podkolokolny Lane house 8, structure 2).

of the Photo: 24-hour city information TV channel "Moskva 24", the actor thought up Theater school Drama Art (laboratory Krymov Dimitri). You happened sometime on a home concert? Here the same – and warmly, both warm-heartedness, and cups of tea – but not houses.

That else: actors will take part In a bibliotechnik in "Hitrovke" Umanets Mikhail, Repin Dimitri, Maltsev Maxime, Khakimova Regina, Khodzhevanova Aline, Maminov Maxime, Grishaeva Catherina and Grishaev Eugenie. They will include in the performances verses and songs on winter.

Price: 700 rubles. To be registered on action and to buy the ticket it is possible according to the reference .

Particulars about a bibliotechnik "Mixed up with Pushkin" can receive on to the action page in Sotsialnaya set Facebook.

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