About Sergei Shnurov the documentary film will be shot

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The director of a film studio "Lendok" Telnov Andrey on air on an Internet channel "Fontanka. The office" reported about the idea to remove Sergei Shnurov are documentary the movie about the scandalous soloist of Leningrad group.

About Sergey Shnurov the documentary film will be shot

the Director of a film studio "Lendok" claims that it has an oral arrangement with the director of Leningrad group about shootings of the documentary and musical movie and the planned schedule of these shootings. Talnov Andrey told br to br that the idea of the movie is not absolutely ready yet and is in development, but the movie has to it will turn out unusual and even pathos. To shoot such movie founders should rummage well in the biography Sergei Shnurov who undoubtedly, is very talented and extraordinary personality. The soloist of Leningrad group not only the good rock musician and the author of songs, but also the film actor, the artist and the leader, to all this it is necessary to add that Sergei Shnurov also the father of two children.

To pleasure of admirers of talent Sergei Shnurov, the picture has to come to wide screens in 2018. It is necessary to remind that about the soloist of Leningrad group two documentary films under the names "He Uses Foul Language" and "Man Who Burns" are already shot.

Aleksandrova Anna - the Correspondent of RIA VistaNews

Sergei Shnurov (Shnur)
Main activity:Show business personality
Talnov Andrey
Aleksandrova Anna