Inhabitants Republic of Buryatia directed to Mongolia behind blessing of Dalai Lama

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Inhabitants of Buryatia directed to Mongolia behind blessing of Dalai Lama


News that his Holiness Dalai Lama of XIV will arrive to the capital Mongolia appeared in mass media only one days prior to his visit. This trip of head of Buddhists of the world was secret to avoid excessive pressure from next China who is one of the main partners of the country.

As soon as news about arrival filtered into means mass information, reaction of the Chinese authorities immediately arrived.

"We insistently call Mongolia to work, holding in the head wider picture of stable developments the bilateral relations, and to adhere to the promises in this area — the press secretary declared Ministry of Foreign Affairs of People's Republic of China to Geng Shuan. – Do not allow Dalai Lama to come. Do not promote it and do not support separatist actions of its clique".

B Beijing did not specify, which consequences will follow in case visit of the Tibetan leader to Mongolia after all takes place, reports .

Last time Dalai Lama visited Mongolia and met believers in 2011. For thousands of believers Republic of Buryatia and Tyva Republic its arrival to the neighboring country means rare opportunity to see in live, and whenever possible and to meet the Great Teacher, to receive blessing.

So, on MAPP "Kyakhta" observe revival and increase in a passenger traffic to Mongolia. In the night of November 19 border many tens cars moved. The stream does not stop to this day. Inhabitants of the republic leave by big buses, minibuses and privately owned vehicles. Among them, as well as simple believers, and representatives of clergy, officials and deputies of the National Hural.

Some users of the sotsety started posting photos from meetings with Dalai Lama in different groups. For example, these photos from " the Anonymous author 03 ".

during the welcome address of Dalai Lama to believers Mongolia in the temple Gandan Tegchiglen Foto:

Meanwhile, services of the emergency help and Ministry on affairs Grazhdansky defenses, to emergency situations and natural disaster response of Mongolia continue to warn the population that movement on the route "Sukhe-Bator-Ulan Bator" is complicated because of plentiful snowfalls and snow setups. Road is narrowed, complicating two-way traffic. In days of visit of Dalai Lama weather forecasters promise abnormal cold weather for this season and frosts. The Ministry of Emergency Situations warns motorists about dangers on roads, and urges not to leave without big need in a long journey.

in Ulan-Bator can study the detailed program of stay of Dalai Lama here .