5 billionaires and 60 millionaires: that is why Armenians starve

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To hungry Armenia tens millionaires, and the state demands at poor one thousand dramov.

the secretary of fraction Armenian national congress (Joint-stock oil company) on November 15 in National assembly of the Republic of Armenia Manukyan on discussion of the bill of insurance payments in favor of the military personnel on a case of their disability or death. For this purpose from salaries of citizens Armenia is offered to be collected 1 thousand dramov. Payments are offered to be costituted since January 28, 2017, transfers Day.Az with reference to Armenian information & analysis company "NEWS.am".

From Armenia, by different estimates, in a year leaves from 1 to 1,5 billion dollars of "under-the-counter cash". To Armenia 5 billionaires but only in a parliamentary hall sits 60 millionaires enriched lawfully. But in such country lawfully so quickly are not enriched, Manukyan Aram twisted.

"Unless the Supreme Commander cannot bring together them and tell: "Things look bad - take also you something on itself"? Unless it will be difficult for them? It is difficult. Because it is difficult for them to tear off from itself", - Manukyan Aram declared.

After that it addressed to the deputy Saroyan Seyran, urged not to pursue profiting on army and to leave them on God's court.

" Saroyan Seyran, you after all itself were at war. God has to punish... And the tribunal should not work? Such the priest, but not the statesman can tell. So the country do not build", - Manukyan Aram added.