Ma Kai and the Minister of Finance France Michel Sapen in common presided over the fourth Chinese-French economic

@IA Sin'hua
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Paris, 15 November/Xinhua / - The deputy prime minister State Council of People's Republic of China Ma Kai and the Minister of Economy and Finance France Michel Sapen on Monday in common presided over the fourth Chinese-French economic and financial dialogue at high level. Between the parties the profound and sincere exchange of opinions concerning possibility of joint assistance to intensive, forward, balanced and tolerant growth, strengthenings of trade, investment and industrial cooperation and deepening of financial interaction took place.

Ma Kai noted that economic and financial cooperation serves as an important support for development of the Chinese-French relations, the Chinese-French economic and financial dialogue at high level is the high-level mechanism for definition of the direction of development of bilateral economic and financial cooperation. He hoped that the French party will have the impact and will call EU in the planned time and fully to fulfill the obligations provided by the 15th article of the Protocol on the introduction China in WTO / the WTO/. Ma Kai declared that the Chinese party is ready to make joint efforts with the French party on assistance to removal of bilateral comprehensive strategic partnership on new level.

Michel Sapen in turn specified that the decision to create the mechanism of the Chinese-French economic and financial dialogue at high level was accepted together heads of two countries in 2013. For many years of the party constantly carried on dialogue on the basis of the principle of mutual respect and mutual understanding, in every possible way promoting development of the bilateral relations. The French party congratulated the Chinese party on the successful organization of the summit" G20" to Hangzhou, approved a positive role of this summit in assistance to revival of world economy and global management. The French party is ready to deepen cooperation with the Chinese party in the field of nuclear power, finance, investments, trade, agriculture and development of the markets of the third parties. The French party expresses in support of performance by EU the international legal obligations, including, the obligations provided in the 15th article of the Protocol on the introduction China in WTO.

On dialogue reached in total 60 agreements. Ma Kai and Michel Sapen held a joint meeting with journalists and participated in a ceremony of signing of documents on bilateral cooperation.