The Kazan water utility does not hurry with cleaning of fir-tree waste in 30 meters from the Kuibyshev reservoir

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The Kazan water utility does not hurry with cleaning of fir-tree waste in 30 meters from the Kuibyshev reservoir Despite the instruction Vahitovskij District Court of Kazan of the Republic of Tatarstan , near settlements of the Flock and Pobedilovo remain threat of ecological safety.

(Kazan, on November 14, "Tatar inform, Golyzhbina Olga). The Kazan Municipal unitary enterprise "Water services company" does not hurry with cleaning of 615 thousand 356 t of the fir-tree precipitation which is illegally occupying about 100 hectares of lands around settlements of the Flock and Pobedilovo, in 30 m from the Kuibyshev reservoir. Earlier Vahitovskij District Court of Kazan of the Republic of Tatarstan recognized organization inaction illegal and ordered to stop operation of fir-tree cards and recycling.

At present threat of ecological safety remains to p. About it today in FEDERAL STATE-FUNDED EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION FOREIGN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION "KGEU ", KGEU, KAZANSKY GOSUDARSTVENNY ENERGETICHESKY UNIVERSITY" on the expert forum "Innovative technologies of processing of waste in various areas of economy" were told by the Tatar nature protection prosecutor Gilmutdinov Ilsur.


"In spite of the fact that court was granted a delay until the end of November, 2016, measures for execution judgments are not made, – he reported. – So far researches of the waste placed in fir-tree fields for definition of structure and a further choice of technology of utilization are not conducted. The technological solution of an existing problem which would allow to disinfect and utilize formed waste" is not chosen.

"25-30 m which were at distance from water object fir-tree cards pose direct threat for region ecology, considering that the Kuibyshev reservoir is a water supply source for many cities of the Volga region and has fishery value. Besides, excess several times maximum permissible concentration on hydrogen sulfide in the territory of nearby settlements" is recorded, – Gilmutdinov Ilsur noted.

the Prosecutor explained that fir-tree waste is formed in each biological clearing construction, they collected in the republic for years. Earlier the current legislation allowed to store them to store on open ranges, without carrying out work on disinfecting. Waste gets to treatment facilities both from the industrial enterprises, and from medical and infectious establishments so the chemical and biological composition of the saved-up material includes heavy metals and toxic connections. According to the new health regulations which have come into force since January, 2015, placement of fir-tree waste without disinfecting to Russian Federation is forbidden. "I want to report p to

that such fir-tree fields are available almost in all large settlements, and here construction of plants on processing of a deposit demand considerable capital investments, leads to increase in tariffs for the population. Problem solution – development of the new available state programs, subsidies allowing allocation to local budgets for elimination of the saved-up waste. It will allow to reduce or evenly to distribute loading on tariffs both for the population, and for the industrial enterprises", – the prosecutor offered.

the Minister of ecology and natural resources of RT Abdulganiev Farid noted that annually the enterprises of the republic make about 9 million tons of waste: "The most part from them, unfortunately, is meanwhile stored on ranges. We have to admit that there is a serious threat for environment. The consumption level catastrophically grows every year therefore questions of secondary processing of raw materials and economy of resources" get weight.

". At present in the country works only three. And how it is possible to speak about branch if everything becomes isolated at three enterprises? – the minister believes. – Nevertheless in Naberezhnye Chelny, Almetyevsk and Kazan it is already possible to speak about positive dynamics. We came to need of acceptance of emergency measures. For this purpose we also met today".

Ilsur Gilmutdinov
Last position: Prosecutor (Tatar nature protection interregional prosecutor's office)
Farid Sultanovich Abdulganiev
Last position: The Comissioner for the President of the Republic of Tatarstan on protection of the rights of businessmen — the Assistant to the President (Presidential Administration of the Republic of Tatarstan)
Golyzhbina Olga