Mistrust of Armenians to Sargsyan reached a maximum

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To Armenia disturbs people one important question which even more often sounds these days. The public of the country the new government resolution concerning monthly collection of 1000 dramov from salaries of citizens for the purpose of assistance to families of victims or the military personnel who have become disabled people excited.

Armenians fairly ask p, - why ordinary people have to pay if generals and officials saved up huge wealth and live in mansions? Perhaps these people need to be called first of all that they returned money to the budget?

But so think not all. As write the Armenian mass media, for example, at the deputy of parliament, the general Saroyan Seyran special opinion on the sensational government resolution on deduction 1000 dramov from salaries of working citizens.

Saroyan Seyran not only managed to weigh everything pros and cons, but even made certain calculations, and the result sounds so: "In our republic there is no family which is not connected with army, at one the soldier serves in army, at another - the officer, after all this money is raised not by Sarkisyan Vigen (Minister of Defence) to carry to itself home. Sarkisyan Vigen does it not for the sake of the interests... 1000 dramov - not so there are a lot of money. Let's think as I. We drink on three cups of coffee in day, let's drink one less, it after all money for one cup of coffee".

As for "the people who have saved up wealth", on this question the general Saroyan Seyran gives the unexpected answer:" This time will come also. I speak to you who that made, will pay, we will hear and about it".

Such answer gives to journalists the grounds to believe that Saroyan Seyran yet did not realize that speaks because his words, first of all, have to concern to him.

Others assume that most likely, it realizes and has a presentiment of the disgraceful end of the sargsyanovsky clan which active member is and therefore does such forecasts.

But, despite hospitable prospects on the future, the Armenian public is anxious in the afternoon and is revolted. And opportunity to increase indignation of people was not missed from hands by the deputy from ruling party Melikyan Gagik.


As are written by the Armenian mass media, having addressed to the maintenance of a set of records on social networks, Melikyan Gagik told:" It is not necessary to answer the similar records made on behalf of several geeks".

Actually "geeks" called not some people, and practically all Armenian people. According to users of social networks, they it is valid "made a great sin", suffering physical existence such, as Melikyan Gagik, in the environment. But, apparently, he lives absolutely in other environment and communicates absolutely with other people as continues to claim that "the public very well apprehended the project presented by the government".

thus does not explain that if so why then it, and the Minister of Defence, and others continue to convince very much the public which so warmly apprehended their offer. the Head of Vanadzorsky office of the Helsinki civil assembly Sakunts Arthur told p to

in conversation with Lragir.am concerning an initiative about obligatory collecting for army that the state once again, instead of execution of the obligations, tries to assign a burden to citizens who already fulfill the tax obligations.

"It is the surtax caused by that they do not fulfill the administrative obligations and do not fight against corruption. That is, all this burden is assigned again to shoulders of citizens", he told. - 1000 for many families is quite serious sum. This decision will be appealed in a judicial order, as in a case with obligatory accumulative system". to

"Sarkisyan Vigen concerning army reforming me are not clear to p, its concept too, and in absence of the doctrine separate steps can be not simply inefficient, but critical. To extinguish thus a fire does not mean to eradicate its reasons. The reasons are covered in corruption in the state, in the army and instead of effectively using available resources, they try to attract new, and it is parasitism", - Sakunts Arthur told.

"The government has no real vision of the solution of tasks, they simply try to resolve situational issues populist steps, but in practice the minister is limited by corruption character of the political power which slows down even the most good intentions. The government will come to grief because does not represent political force, it has no party accessory. When the prime minister formally changes, and approaches remain, it cannot have results. The chairman of the board on fight against corruption" was replaced only, - Sakunts Arthur considers.

In a word, to Armenia as a whole.

Imanov Sabukhi

Sarkisyan Vigen
Imanov Sabukhi
Sakunts Arthur