Tverskaya interregional prosecutor's office Moscow initiated involvement of two credit organizations to administrative responsibility

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Tverskaya interregional prosecutor's office Moscow carried out an inspection of observance by the credit organizations of requirements of the legislation on protection of the rights of consumers, consumer credit (loan), including at commission of actions on collecting arrears.


during check it is established that in JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "PROBANK", located on Seleznevskaya St., in defiance of the Federal law "About consumer credit (loan)" in signed contracts responsibility of the consumer for non-execution of the assumed obligations in a size exceeding most established law was provided. Also contracts consumer crediting did not contain possibility of a ban of a concession the creditor to the third parties of the rights (requirements) for contract consumer credits (loans) regarding not providing the opportunity.

the Similar inspection which has been carried out in microfinancial organizations by LLC IFI "Pluscredit", located on Novoslobodskaya St., showed that in defiance of current legislation requirements consumers also are not informed on possibility of a ban of a concession by the creditor to the third parties of the rights (requirements) for contract consumer credits (loans).

besides, in JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "PROBANK" did not observe requirements of the legislation about health protection of citizens from influence of a surrounding tobacco smoke.

Due to the revealed violations the Tverskaya interdistrict prosecutor excited in the relation JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "PROBANK" cases of the administrative offenses provided p.1 by Art. 14.8 (violation of the right of the consumer on receiving necessary and reliable information about realized goods (work, service), about the manufacturer, about the seller, about the performer and about a mode of their work), p.1 Art. 6.25 (non-compliance with requirements to a sign about the smoking ban, designating territories, buildings and objects where smoking is forbidden, and to an order of its placement) Federal law of the Russian Federation of 30 December 2001 No. 195-FZ "On the Code on Administrative Offences of the Russian Federation". LLC IFI "Pluscredit" is also initiated against microfinancial organizations proceedings on an administrative offense on p.1 Art. 14.8 Codes of the Russian Federation about administrative offenses


to the management banks and microfinancial organizations the prosecutor brought ideas of elimination of the revealed violations.

Resolutions of Management Federal Supervision Agency for Customer Protection and Human Welfare on Moscow the credit organizations are brought by

to administrative responsibility in the form of penalties for total amount of 70 thousand rubles.