to the nakanena of the World day of disabled people inspectors of traffic police Nizhnevartovsk carried out special raid//the PHOTO

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In Nizhnevartovsk on the eve of the World day of disabled people inspectors of traffic police together with the representative of local society of the blind carried out special raid. On one of the central city streets organizers of action decided to check as far as drivers of the capital of Samotlor validly treat the fellow countrymen having disability.

"Carried out raid with the blind person who crossing the road lifted the cane that cars stopped and passed it, at all at the crosswalk. From 10 motorists stopped 8. Very much pleases that it is much more not indifferent drivers", - the senior inspector of group of promotion of BDD OGIBDD UMVD told Russian Federation across Nizhnevartovsk to Dubaenko Nicholas .

the State traffic inspectorate carries repeatedly out similar raids during which the staff of traffic police reminds drivers of traffic regulations connected with disabled people. Persons of this category of citizens can follow on the region of the carriageway in the direction of transport, in the absence of sidewalks, foot paths or roadsides. On automobile parkings places for a stop and parking of cars of disabled people are allocated.

Nicholas Dubaenko