We will not allow to forget about it

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We will not allow to forget about it, remembers events of almost thirty-year prescription when Research Center Memorial and the Solovki museum in the summer of 1989 were carried out by the first Days of memory. "We went by the train together with those few people who worried Solovki camp and have survived, and also their native, people on hands had new certificates of rehabilitation and certificates on death of relatives, - Flige Irina tells. – After all at first people received false certificates on death – with false diagnoses, with incorrect dates. Only in 1987-88 began to grant truthful certificates. And so Iofe Benjamin, considering directly there, in the train, documents of people, paid attention to close dates of death, began to make the table and told me: "You understand that it was terrible mass execution of the Solovki prisoners by fall of 1937 …".

in archive of the Arkhangelsk UFSB found Subsequently a complex of documents in which there were copies of protocols of the Special three of People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs on Leningrad region No. 81-85, 134, 198, 199 and 303 containing lists of names of sentenced Solovki prisoners – 1825 people. Then the Moscow researcher Krivenko Sergei found originals of these documents in archive of the Leningrad UFSB. From them followed that execution of the Solovki prisoners was carried out in three steps and that the first, biggest stage, sent from the Solovki to the continent at the end of October, 1937.

About the first stage from the Solovki, sent of camp and completely disappeared, decades went gloomy legends – said that all people drowned in the sea. No. 1111 people shot in the natural boundary Sandormokh to Republic of Karelia in sixteen kilometers from railway station "Bear Mountain". Prepared for execution and killed in the conditions of the most strict privacy. Already delivered to Republic of Karelia from the Solovki people trained for execution so: "Prisoners on one called from a chamber, allegedly on medical examination before a stage, and the name, a middle name, article, term, etc. brought into the special room where at first "adjusting data" – a surname verified with lists them. After verification three security officers snatched on the prisoner, tied hands back and dragged to other room - "store" where tied feet and seated on a floor. In case of resistance or shout of the prisoner "immobilized" in blow of a bludgeon to the head – so that he fainted. When in "store" till 50-60 people gathered, them loaded in cars (at the disposal of rasstrelny team there were two covered trucks and one automobile car) and carried to an execution place for 16 km from the Bear Mountain, to the forest natural boundary, the late received name Sandormokh. Meanwhile in an insulator prepared the following party of the sentenced.

On the arrival of cars to the place of the execution, concluded on one pulled out from the car and pushed together in in advance dug holes where they were waited with revolvers by "Leningrad residents" the captain Matveev both the second lieutenant Alafer and two medvezhyegorsky security officers from BBK – Shondysh and Bondarenko. Having finished the next party, one part of rasstrelny team came back to the Bear Mountain for following, and another dug new holes. In total in a day (more exact, in a night – operation was carried out to a night-time and terminated to 4–5 o'clock in the morning) rasstrelshchik managed to carry out to four such flights".

After to one of prisoners on the road managed to tear on October 27, 1937 fetters – he tried to be released, "prepare" for execution became more carefully – much simply broke skulls and in the car threw already the almost dead.
On a site can be learned and about a fate of executioners of the Solovki stage. Some were shot. And here the captain Matveev was arrested, but soon released, continued "work in bodies" and as the pensioner order bearer, died a natural death in Saint Petersburg in 1971.

On a site about Sandormokh in the section "Biographies" - a photo and brief curriculum vitae about the killed. Here the photo of the beautiful young woman Delibash Nina, the Georgian who has been born in Tbilisi in 1903. It shot on November 2, 1937. to Delibash Elizabeth nowadays 88 years. It was seven, and she remembers how took away the father with mother. Where the father is shot – it is not known. Therefore for Delibash Elizabeth Sandormokh – the only place where it can honor memory of parents: "Seven years to me were when me separated violently from my parents. And now I found a place where my mother is buried, with thousands of other victims she lies. The Solovki stage it here brought. And I not incidentally told the word "lies" — they are not buried here, they are brutally killed and thrown into holes. Wanted to forget this memory, wanted to lose this place, but the truth always triumphs. And evil business is usually punishable. At us, however, it is impossible to tell that is punishable, but the place is found. And I want to tell simply that should not forget, anybody".

In Sandormokh found death not only prisoners of the Solovki, here shot prisoners - Belbaltlaga – kanaloarmeyets, Balomorkanal's builders, here shot the repressed inhabitants of Republic of Karelia. Here people of different nationalities – Russians, Ukrainians, Finns, Poles, Jews and others, people of different religions lie. Since August 1937 till November, 1938 passed more than 50 rasstrelny actions. The first such execution is fixed on August 11 the 1937th, the last — on November 27.

In Sandormokh killed about seven thousand people. Here 400 memorable signs are established. Flige Irina tells that researchers started fixing Sandormokh's all memorable signs in 2008-2009, also there is a continuous fixing of memorable signs to Levashovo – on their this cemetery 1200. Interview to the native registers. "The idea of a site about Sandormokh, his construction became model for the description of any place of memory of terror victims, now we will be engaged in Levashovo, - Flige Irina speaks. – We will not allow to forget about it".

Annually on August 5, in anniversary of the beginning of Big terror, to Sandormokhe spend Day of memory. This day the administration Medvezhyegorsk district will organize buses on the Memorial cemetery "Sandormokh", they go to the 11th mornings from the Medvezhyegorsky museum.

Irina Flige
Last position: Director (ROWE OF RESEARCH CENTER "MEMORIAL")
Sergei Krivenko
Last position: Director (Human rights group "Grazhdanin. Armiya. Pravo")
Akhmatova Anna
Iofe Benjamin
Delibash Nina