Who beats off trust Republic of Crimea to Russian Federation?

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The director of the Crimean institute of strategic researches Shaymardanov Rinat about the Crimean Tatars and a failure of national policy of the authorities Republic of Crimea

After historical reunion Republic of Crimea with Russian Federation to one of corner factors of a state policy in Republic of Crimea became a question of elimination of consequences of repressions on a national sign — violent eviction from Republic of Crimea in 1944 of the krymskotatarsky people and representatives Armenian, Bulgarian, Greek and German (in 1941) peninsula communities.

owing to this factor the Crimean question was taken out by p "in separate production" as in the events preceding holding the Vsekrymsky referendum in March, 2014, and in the subsequent programs and actions for integration Republic of Crimea and his inhabitants in the Russian reality.

the Crimean Tatars in the run-up to a referendum

By the beginning 2014 Crimean Tatars were divided by p into three parts.

One part supported by official Kiev, the West European structures and very influential part of the Turkish politicum — is supporters of Majlis of Dzhemileva-Chubarov — actually members of Majlis and its regional divisions, delegates of Kurultai and the public organizations affiliated with them.

De jure the Majlis never also was not registered by p anywhere — but to this structure Kiev delegated unlimited powers in the questions concerning the Crimean Tatars of the peninsula.

This special status of Majlis became reliable cover for any frauds connected with distribution of humanitarian assistance from abroad, and also "cut" of the budgetary funds which are released by Ukraine for needs of the Crimean Tatars.

All these preferences were a payment to Majlis for planting in the krymskotatarsky environment of "values" of the western democracy and the anti-Russian moods, and also for performance of retaliatory functions on suppression of any dissent among the Crimean Tatars.

K 2014 Majlis and its personnel was strongly entered by p in the nomenclature Ukraine and Ukrainian Republic of Crimea, and also in the international anti-Russian programs and "salary sheets" professional fighters with Russian Federation.

In February-March, 2014 the Majlis became the main herald of boycott of a referendum, having opposed reunion Republic of Crimea with Russian Federation, using for forcing of the corresponding moods everything available at its order administrative, financial and media resources.

Level of support of Majlis among the Crimean Tatars made no more than 30% though medzhlisovets declared "general national support" at the level of 90−95%.

Other part of krymskotatarsky community were made by participants and supporters of National movement of the Crimean Tatars, united in different social movements and the organizations operating independently, without thinking about Majlis. to

the Ideological center of this group of the organizations which have united in 2013 in the Krymskotatarsky popular front (KTNF), standing on ideas of eurasianism.

B 2014 "Millie Firka" was the only organization, openly and publicly called the Crimean Tatars to take active part in a referendum and to vote for reunion Republic of Crimea with Russian Federation. According to Federal agency on affairs of the nationalities, more than 30 of % the Crimean Tatars participated in a referendum that allowed to destroy feverish efforts of Majlis on the organization of boycott of a referendum. Directly in day of a referendum active part in vote was taken by the Sebat organization uniting participants of the Crimean land actions.

Activity "Millie Firka" on this direction was highly appreciated by the management Russian Federation: 10 members of the organization were awarded by medals Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation "For return Republic of Crimea", and the leader "Millie Firka" Vasvi Abduraimov the Decree of President of the Russian Federation was awarded government award with the medal award "For Merits before the Fatherland" of the II degree.

the Third part can be characterized

as the "hesitating", Crimean Tatars who have taken a waiting attitude. This part made 40−60% of the krymskotatarsky population Republic of Crimea.

Attraction on the party Russian Federation this part of the people became the main objective for the power after return Republic of Crimea in native harbor. Vector of the solution of this task President of the Russian Federation defined Vladimir Putin in the speech in Georgiyevsky to a hall of the Kremlin on March 18, 2014 during signing of the Contract on occurrence Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol in structure of subjects Russian Federation:

" the Crimean Tatars returned on the earth. I consider that all necessary political, legislative decisions which will finish process of rehabilitation of the krymskotatarsky people, decisions which will restore their rights, a reputation in full " have to be made.

However as showed the Duma elections-2016, the authorities not simply did not carry out the task set by the president, but with its crash failed.

And as shows the situation analysis, this failure is more similar to strictly coordinated sequence of actions, the leader to such deplorable result, than simply to a banal unsuitability for a profession.

Republic of Crimea did not leave to the Crimean Tatars a choice

After occurrence and Sevastopol in structure Russian Federation the newly-baked Crimean power and officials of the federal center supervising it appeared before a dilemma: on what of the influence centers — Majlis or "Millie Firka" — to rely in the solution of a krymskotatarsky question. to

Unfortunately, at the solution of this task a priority not state, but.

At active processing and direct misinformation of the federal center from old-new Crimean governors, in power structures new Russian Republic of Crimea was co-opted their checked improvised — exclusively members of Majlis and a creature close to it.


the Post of the vice speaker of the State Council Republic of Crimea were occupied by the long-term vice-chairman of Majlis Remzi Ilyasov . The Deputy Prime Minister Republic of Crimea became in the beginning the chief financier of "the promotion ministry" Majlis Islyamov Lenur , and after it — the delegate of Kurultai, the graduate of gyulenovsky lyceum near Bakhchisaray Ruslan Balbek . The position of the head Goskomnats Republic of Crimea was occupied by the first deputy chairman of Majlis Smirnov Zaur . The vice-chairman of Majlis Gafarov Teyfuk . The position of the adviser to the plenipotentiary of President of the Russian Federation in Republic of Crimea and membership in the Soviet of Nationalities at President of the Russian Federation was received by the head of Saksky regional Majlis Belyalov Eskender . To other state and municipal positions in Republic of Crimea also were appointed only medzhlisovets.

At the same time, representatives "Millie Firka" as if in revenge for a conclusion of the Crimean Tatars to a referendum, were completely discharged by the Crimean authorities not only of work in public authorities, but also are included in non-stop a leaf of the Crimean mass media, and blocked from any public work connected with official bodies the new Russian Republic of Crimea.

As a result, in Russian Republic of Crimea completely reproduced the Ukrainian model of "management" by an ethnic question: by creation of decorative "representation" of the Crimean Tatars operated in a manual mode in public authorities — at full discharge from participation in the state construction Republic of Crimea the active, active and positively adjusted part of the people.

the Lobbist policy of the Crimean authorities concerning Majlis and the discrimination relation to other part of the krymskotatarsky people led p to a situation when position of the Crimean Tatars in Russian Republic of Crimea on all indicators began to lose to position of the Crimean Tatars in Republic of Crimea Ukrainian.

So, for the beginning of 2014 the deputy corps of the Crimean Tatars made: in The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine — 1 deputy (earlier — 2), in Autonomous republic supreme soviet of Crimea — 6 deputies, in Councils of different levels for everything to Republic of Crimea — more than 1100 deputies.

Following the results of elections of 2014 in Russian Republic of Crimea the Crimean Tatars received p: in the State Council Republic of Crimea — 3 deputies, in Councils of different levels for everything to Republic of Crimea — less than 100 deputies.

as a result, the Crimean authorities brought the Crimean Tatars to the Duma elections of 2016 in the most deplorable state, namely:

  • Vladimir Putin tasks of full-scale rehabilitation of the krymskotatarsky people and its integration into the state construction Russian Republic of Crimea — is sabotaged by p in full.
  • Questions of legislative initiatives in the sphere of rehabilitation and development of the krymskotatarsky people in Republic of Crimea — are frozen in full .
  • Prolongation of the Bishkek agreement simplifying procedures of return of repressed citizens home — is frozen by li, despite of numerous addresses of representatives of the krymskotatarsky public on this matter. Period of validity of the Bishkek Agreement expired on May 30, 2013.
  • Questions of national education in Republic of Crimea — are frozen by li.
  • Development of krymskotatarsky language as one of state languages of Republic of Crimea — by it is blocked.
  • Receiving by repatriates of nationality Russian Federation — is most complicated . Coming back to Republic of Crimea from dispatch places the Crimean Tatars are considered by the Crimean authorities in the status of emigrants from foreign countries — contrary to provisions .
  • the Solution of a question of the Crimean land actions — is sabotaged by li in full. In two and a half years which have passed after a referendum to participants of land actions it was not allocated with of any a ground.
  • the Program of arrangement of the repressed people — is failed . From allocated with the federal center on arrangement of the repressed citizens of 800 million rubles it is mastered in 2014 — from 77 million to 300 million rubles (according to the deputy Gossovet RK Bezazieva L.)
  • Quantity and volume of a broadcasting of national mass media on the peninsula — was cut more by half twice.

the data Provided above for anybody are not a secret — and first of all, for the krymskotatarsky people, always differing high civil and political activity. So really similar "progress" of the Crimean authorities could move the Crimean Tatars to go on elections of those who tired out them in such humiliating situation?

For Whom the Bell Tolls?

the Duma elections-2016 could not only validate a political choice Republic of Crimea in 2014, but also show to the whole world ability Russian Federation to resolve difficult ethnic issues. to

the Sample and an example of effective national policy. Mass participation of the Crimean Tatars and repatriates of other nationalities in State Duma-2016 elections would become logical completion of process of rehabilitation.

But to the Crimean Tatars did not leave a choice. They have nobody and there is nothing was to vote. Them the message has nobody on elections: the medzhlisovets lured by the Crimean authorities who once again have betrayed interests of the nation, became object of general national contempt, and leaders of the pro-Russian part of the Crimean Tatars, debarred by the authorities in the state construction in 2014, refused to participate in profanation carried out by the authorities Russian Federation and its national policy.

the Sad result of current situation — a failure of the Duma elections in places with high concentration of the krymskotatarsky population: