Regular session of the Russian-Norwegian commission on fishery began work

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Norway there began work the 46th session of the Mixed Russian-Norwegian commission on fishery. The Russian delegation is headed by the head of Federal Agency for Fishery Shestakov Ilya, Rosrybolovstvo press service reports. Let's remind, into at meeting of SRNK entered last year the moratorium on a catch of the capelin.

According to the session agenda, the general admissible catch (GAC) of a cod, a haddock, a sea perch and a sinekory halibut for 2017, and also their distribution to national quotas is planned to approve Russian Federation, Norway and the third countries. It is planned to discuss also measures of regulation of trade of other types of water bioresources. Following the results of work technical measures of regulation of trade, uniform translated coefficients on fish products, the program of joint sea researches of marine living resources and a measure for control of trade in the Barents and Norwegian seas in 2017 have to be coordinated.