Plague of pigs reached to Jurmala: in the city found a dead boar

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Plague of pigs reached Jürmala: in the city found a dead boar
of Foto: LETA
this week inspectors of the Food and Veterinary Service (FVS) stated 12 new cases of the African plague of pigs (APP) in population of boars, reported in PVS. The disease is for the first time stated in Jurmala — within the city the lost animal is found, reports LETA.

Thus, this year in population of boars stated 851 cases of AChS in 211 volosts of 65 edges, and also in three cities — Rezekne, Pļaviņas and Jurmala.

Before seven victims of animals it is revealed in the Balvsky volost, two in Municipality of Engure, on one in the Aronsky volost, the Vireshsky volost, the Vetspiyebalgsky volost, the Plansky volost and the Setsensky volost.