Seven proofs of that tea are better than some coffee

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Remember these advantages when you should choose between two darlings napitkami

Uchenyye explain advantage of tea with properties of polyphenols (type of antioxidants which contains in plant leaves) and photochemical features. Though the majority of researches are concentrated on green and black grades, white and ulun bring to an organism not smaller use. In the popularity drink can argue only with usual drinking water. Unlike the patented drugs in there are no toxins, and it does not cause harmful side effects and consume it already thousands years (there is an opinion that the plant is not less than 500 000 years old). Why concerning health coffee can call only younger cousin tea ?

Seven proofs of that tea are better than some coffee

of Tea raises endurance . Scientists from Japanese laboratory Kao Corporation found out that catechins (antioxidants) with which extract of green tea is rich, increase ability of an organism to burn fats as fuel, read — muscular endurance becomes higher.

Tea reduces risk of heart attack . It also can help to protect an organism from cardiovascular and degenerate diseases. In the article the Chinese doctor Mai Wang Huo even calls it "wonderful drug", hinting at an old habit of the compatriots to drink green tea in large quantities every day. Drink and correctly do! Tea helps to struggle with free radicals with whom often connect emergence of heart troubles.

Tea protects many bodies from a cancer . Including breast, thick and small intestine, skin, lungs, gullet, stomach, pancreas, liver, ovaries and prostate. Only, we beg, do not rely only on a vivifying cup of hot tea with a sea-buckthorn in questions of possible formation of a malignant tumor.

Seven proofs of that tea are better than some coffee

of Tea supports body hydration . Even despite caffeine! The nutritionist from the British fund of food assures Uilyamson Claire

of Tea helps to keep a slender waist. Entertaining experiment of Department of food researches of University of State of Pennsylvania proved strong: at participants who regularly consumed hot tea, the circle of a waist and an index of body weight were lower, than at those who did not do it. Scientists assume: all the matter is that drink reduces risk of a metabolic syndrome and accelerates process of clarification of an organism.

Tea — excellent prevention of neurologic diseases. Though health of a brain is influenced by very many factors, it is known that polyphenols of green tea can help to keep that its part which is responsible for training and memory .

Though the majority of researches concerning tea are very laudatory, it is worth remembering and some cautions. For example, always let's tea cool down during few minutes — continuous consumption of hot drinks increases risk of emergence of a cancer of a gullet. Besides a body influences both a plant grade, and extent of its processing. Therefore, as well as with any product, here it is important to observe a measure.

Kho Van
Уильямсон Клер
Pennsylvanian university
Main activity:Science and education
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