The dwarf grew up. As Faroe Islands follow on the way of Iceland

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Today Faroe Islands accept the champion , being above it in selection group. And this history even more fantastic, than islandskaya.
the Leader of the present national team of Faroe Islands Simun Yoan Edmundsson Yoan was not born yet when in a locker room of farerets the most epichny installation in the history of local soccer sounded.

– Think of the Faroese flag. About your flag. Take it with itself in the field. Rush in tackles against impudent Austrians with one mission – to win a match for the sake of your nation. Today you pay to the home. You have an opportunity to make history now, and will be a crushing blow if you do not grasp it!
It, an ardent speech was delivered by Icelander Pall Gudlaugsson, and opposite to it Knudsen Martin , the dentist Joannes Jacobsen , the teacher Khansen Julian , the employee of the company on processing of fish Khansen Abraham and the baker Russ Kurt Merkere sat the driver Jens. In a sosoyedny locker room snobs sat. The trainer of the Austrians Khikkersberger Joseph was spat by sarcasm ("Faroe Islands? And where it? Incidentally not on the Moon? "), Polster Tony promised a victory 10:0, and a day before a match the national team Austria in full strength shirked training.

That match became the drama of all small nation. Starting ten-minute of translation from Sweden where game transferred because of absence on Faroe Islands a grassy field, on the archipelago was not seen by anybody – on all 18 islands unexpectedly cut down electricity. When TVs again earned, farerets saw an expected picture – Austria tried to win on one foot, saving forces, and islanders laid down under each ball. Due to devotion held on 0:0 to a break, then amicably exhaled when Curt Russ missed the mark Russ Kurt on chess arranged to the archipelago . Beat two, left the third and threw a ball over the goalkeeper – if to combine beauty of an episode and its dramatic nature, it will turn out stronger, than any of hundred heads Messi Leo.

Mad Tórshavn celebrated a victory the whole week, the musician Terje Rasmussen caught inspiration and wrote the song in honor of the national team, become after its anthem, but life of miracle men did not change at all. They also did not fly up on heavens to fall to the ground. Nielsen right after a match went to hospital, to see the newborn daughter who was born a day before a match. Khansen Julian returned to school, Merkere – to a bakery. Joannes Jacobsen threw a profession of the dentist, but not because of soccer – in same 1990th it wrote down the first musical album, and before the end of the century, having already passed to trainer's work, let out two more.

Only Jens Knudsen Martin received the minute of fame. He was not simply the goalkeeper caught spirit and dragging everything in gate of farerets. In 14 years Knudsen Martin broke and strongly injured to itself the head, forbade to play with the unprotected head to him – and Jens found a way out, having pulled a white cap with a pompon. There is a suspicion that the German journalists later would not arrive 20 years on the island to talk to Knudsen Martin, if not this cap.

Success of "fishermen" and other pleasures such sbornykh


Knudsen Martin, till September of the 1990th quietly engaged in loading at plant on production of canned food and not dreaming of media exposure, in that interview told about amusing, but a case typical for the Faroese soccer. There was a March, in the field, covered with dense kiselny fog, enormous dairy flakes of snow fell down. Cold – horror. The account – 8:0. Ran, ran, and closer to the end of a match when snowfall slightly quieted down, and fog dissipated, saw that at winning team in the field for some reason eight people. Three simply got into cars and parted on houses to get warm.
On sheep islands – Faroe Islands are translated to br by br quite so – understood that the love of the people to soccer can be converted in result even if the population is nine times less than Icelandic.
In such stories – the color of the Faroese soccer. It, consider, Iceland in a miniature – islands is more, stadiums in the picturesque corners covered with saturated greens, more, and attention to local soccer even less. To the wild stories connected with a frost and fog, it is not necessary to be surprised – the archipelago where on one of 18 islands, Kolture, according to the last population census of veins only 1 person, surprises in itself.

Faroe Islands are a Iceland in a miniature also because only here it is difficult to one to earn by soccer a living. The rare legionaries playing in the championship of Faroe Islands, receive sufficient money, but all the same get the second job – for example, Camara
from V-68 after trainings earns additionally Ibraim's in a bakery. The captain of the present national team of Faroe Islands Frodi Benyaminsen did not depart a year ago on game with Romania because only just got a job the security guard in prison and did not want to lose at once new work for the sake of a trip to Bucharest. For half a year before Benyaminsen was the leader of the national team to Greece, helped to win, and later couple of days put on a helmet and came for change by the welder. And Hans Frode who has already finished career Khansen Julian in parallel with soccer twisted career of the fashion designer, was engaged in production of cream for depilation and flied to for the sake of the photo with Anderson Pamela .

Some of players of the national team, received the professional status, too passed through working everyday life. Kai Leo Bartalstovu (this is one person if that) before getting to Bucharest "Dynamo", pottered with children on an after-school club. And the central defender of farerets Alti Gregersen managed to work as b on a fish factory and to work advertizing in the local newspaper. After phenomenal take-off Iceland for European Football Championship 2016 it any more so surprises – only if Icelanders is already universal left abroad and became professionals, on Faroe Islands still it is possible to meet in the national team of the welder and the teacher.

sincerity Island. The national team Iceland — 2016

the Phenomenon speaks the European championship simply – on the archipelago adore soccer. Officials adore also including. In the current season the trainer's staff of NSI from Runavík, one of leading teams of the Faroese Premier league, was filled up by Johnie Nolsyo-Jönsson, the deputy of a lyogting (unicameral parliament of the archipelago) from equality Party. Kaj Leo Johannesen, the former prime minister of Faroe Islands, left soccer much earlier, but once combined game and sale of fish.

Iceland which on the archipelago it is noisy supported during European Football Championship 2016, showed the way to the little neighbor to a miracle. And on sheep islands – Faroe Islands are translated quite so – understood that the love of the people to soccer can be converted in result even if the population is nine times less than Icelandic. This year the oldest club of the archipelago of "Tvyoroyri" prepared the project of the first indoor stadium on islands where in cold weather the national team will train also. Building will cost 75 million Faeroe Islands kronur, these are slightly more than 10 million euros. The Faroese youth and so aspires every year everything above – for example, in the national team of U21 Tomsen Yakup plays, already signed contract with "Midtyyullann", and covered fields become the engine of further progress. Icelanders will not tell lies.


In the national team of Faroe Islands there are two rare persons, whose life was connected only with soccer. Gunnar Nielsen – the follower of local goalkeeper traditions: to it was four when Knudsen Martin worked wonders in gate, then there was Mikkelsen Yakup , admiring the Faroese boys. Now Mikkelsen Yakup – the trainer of goalkeepers in the national team, and Nielsen is going to break a national record. Very long time ago Mikkelsen Yakup did not pass in gate of Faroe Islands 191 minute, for the dwarf result unprecedented. At Nielsen is right now 180 dry minutes earned in matches with Hungary and Latvia – it is far not whipping boys. If Portugal does not work well powerful start, Gunnar becomes the "driest" goalkeeper in the history of the archipelago.
Nielsen managed to become famous for br and so. If Jens Knudsen Martin flied to United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to participate in show Air Force and to recreate there the moments from an epic match with Austria, Gunnar managed to boil in English soccer. In 15 shaggy goalkeeper left the house and sailed away to the Danish school, combined trainings in Copenhagen "Frem" with study, and in two years attracted to the trainer of goalkeepers Khichkok Kevin – it helped Hughes Mark with "Blackburn". Then Hughes Mark went under enormous money to "Parish of Manchester City", behind it Khichkok Kevin, afterwards and Nielsen. Farerets suffered-suffered, and in the spring the 2010th after all got the symbolical chance: Gunnar against Gunners – almost a plot for the movie. On a match course with "Arsenal" Shay Given broke, absolutely overgrown Nielsen came for replacement and won back the minutes faultlessly.
On sheep islands – Faroe Islands are translated to br by br quite so – understood that the love of the people to soccer can be converted in result even if the population is nine times less than Icelandic.
Now Nielsen, having played in Scotland, having passed 18 months because of an injury of a knee and having almost given up soccer to all devils, located in Icelandic "Habnarfyordure", together with Sonni Nattestad , been born on Haiti, and to Bartalstov became the first Faroese champion Iceland, but game for the national team – the main thing that excites him blood. "I very long sat without practice when got chance in a match with Germany, – Nielsen remembers. – I could play so only on Faroe Islands, the crowd loaded me. Flied to the left, to the right … This one of the brightest memoirs in my life. We lost 0:3, and to a break could receive 0:10". Represent, what loaded Nielsen comes to a match with Christiano and the company, remembering the potential record?

the Second person from the Faroese structure, trying to subdue Foggy Albion, is Simun Yoan Edmundsson Yoan . You hardly will tell who it, yet will not read one offer. Faroe Islands – Russian Federation – 1:0. I as now remember purchase of future issue "Soviet sports" and the short photoreport on the match, strewed, as a pie chocolate shaving, verbal turns about the lost generation of youth. For weak teenage mind it there was a shock – really our children play so badly, what lose to Faroe Islands? Chertyaga Edmundsson Yoan, he everything began it the goal in Pesyakov's gate on the 1st minute. Then islanders quickly nearly did not make 2:0, and then included the standard mode at the time of the victorious account – a massive brick wall from a heavy-duty material. They blocked almost everything.

Edmundsson Yoan too early departured from islands to Denmark, too got to England from there, tried in "Newcastle" when in competitors there were incredibly capable forwards like Neil Reyndzher, and in became famous thanks to a goal for "Vail" in the Danish Superleague – it so scattered round itself(himself) three defenders in a penalty that the Danish TV men began to operate with loud headings: "Hammered more abruptly, than Messi Leo! ". Not that that Edmundsson Yoan is similar to Messi Leo – a fair hair, Aryan appearance, 185 cm of growth – but Edmundsson Yoan are distinguished by love to hammer the major balls. Russian "youth team", then Greece, now and Latvia. If someone from farerets afflicts Portugal, it will be Edmundsson Yoan not for nothing allocated with a voice the word we "know". At the Faroese football players the complex of the football dwarf, a reflex of a rabbit before a boa was gone. Last time islanders lost "in stuff" even in selection for Euro-2008 – 0:6 from Georgia, 0:6 from Scotland, 0:5 and 0:6 from France. Since then the Faroese national team moves only forward, presenting on a pinch of sensations. And two victories for one selection over Greece Ranyeri Klaudio which after such embarrassment all sent to pension, any more did not seem something transcendental.

At Nielsen right now 180 dry minutes earned in matches with Hungary and Latvia – it is far not whipping boys. If Portugal does not work well powerful start, Gunnar becomes the "driest" goalkeeper in the history of the archipelago.
that happens to the national team of Faroe Islands right now, should not surprise. The dwarf yet vymakhal at least to the Scandinavian neighbors, but grows in the eyes and gets force. Hungary, arrived to Faroe Islands with feeling of own force (and as, broke through for Euro in top-16), hardly was on the lam from the island – get Hallur Hanssen not to a crossbeam, and to a grid, at the Magyar would not remain to time for a feat. Latvia at all received from farerets of the house 0:2. And on business – what difference, how many pribaltiyets owned a ball if it was felt much better by the rival? The second ball into gate Latvia was hammered by Edmundsson Yoan, played in Riga is incredibly powerful, clinging literally for all riding balls. Farertsa played in the rectilinear style – beat forward, cling and fight – and Edmundsson Yoan gave it highlights, winning ahead practically everything.

When Faroe Islands houses for the second time for last selection slammed Greece, the same Olsen Lars was delighted that 4741 persons saw a victory alive, and couple more of thousands were ill stadium walls: "It reminded me time to Turkey where people got on protections, on roofs, supported us in any ways". Today on a visit to fearless island "Vikings" the national team will welcome Portugal, and for Faroe Islands it is a delightful instant between the past and future – right now the proud dwarf goes in the selection table on 2018 FIFA World Cup above the champion . The miracle hardly happens, but at stadium in Tórshavn will be chock, and beyond its limits again will gather kind 5% of inhabitants of the archipelago – to see or feel as Gunnar Nielsen will hold the gate on the lock at least 12 minutes, and Edmundsson Yoan will undertake to nightmarize the next grandee.

It validly Icelanders in a miniature – and they not agree to be the football dwarf.
Source: "Championship"