Comment: "A belt and a way" - the perspective initiative aimed at assistance to joint prosperity

@IA Sin'hua
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Beijing, 8 October/Xinhua / - For the last three years noticeable results of advance of an initiative "An economic belt Shelkovy Morskoy a way" and "Shelkovy Morskoy a way of the 21st eyelid" / "A belt and a way" / are reached. The initiative promoted revival of global economy and gave vital forces to world growth.

China Xi Jinping the initiative "An economic belt Shelkovy Morskoy ways" will connect , the Central and , and" Shelkovy Morskoy the way of the 21st eyelid" will connect China, , and .

the Initiative is a plan of long-term development which will bring real benefit already in the near future.

Economic corridors

Construction of the first in Mongolia highways within "A belt and a way", having epoch-making value, was begun in May, 2016. The former prime minister Mongolia Chimediyn Saykhanbileg called this route a new milestone in the history of country infrastructure.

Mongolia, being the midland state, borders only on two countries - China and Russian Federation. Its ambitsionny plans of steppe highways, developments of infrastructure, stimulation of economic growth and transnational transportations highly coincide with an initiative "A belt and a way", in particular, with the project on construction of the Chinese-Mongolian-Russian economic corridor.

It is one of six leading international economic corridors within an initiative "A belt and a way".

In July, 2015 China, Mongolia and Russian Federation signed the memorandum of understanding on construction of the economic corridor uniting three countries.

In September, 2016 China published the program of construction of a corridor that marked the official beginning of implementation of the first program within the plan for multilateral cooperation.

B Pakistan building of objects of infrastructure also moves ahead fast rates thanks to construction of the Chinese-Pakistan economic corridor.

In April, 2016 officially began construction and reconstruction of the Pakistan site of Karakorumskoye Highway. In May official start is given to highway Peshawar-Karachi construction - the largest object on transport development within the project of the Chinese-Pakistan economic corridor. At the same time with it construction of Highway M4 64 km long connecting Shorkot and Khanewal in Province of Punjab was officially begun in August. It is the first project on highway construction in Pakistan which implementation finances Asian bank of infrastructure investments.

the Chinese-Pakistan economic corridor is only the introduction of the symphony "Belts and Ways". In process of construction of an economic corridor, port construction Gvadar, developments of transport infrastructure, strengthening of the power and industrial construction, being four key directions of interaction, is gradually formed cooperation structure "one plus four".

the Prime minister Pakistan Sharif Navaz repeatedly declared that the Chinese-Pakistan corridor is favorable to all region and will bring real benefit to the 3-milliard population China, , and .

Construction Sea Shelkovy Morskoy ways

on August 10 the Chinese company Cosco Shipping at the Athenian stock exchange got a controlling stake of the Greek port of Piraeus, having established a major landmark of the Chinese-Greek cooperation.

the Piraeus Port which rose with taken in 2010 of the 93rd to the 39th place in a world rating on the general container capacity, can by the right be considered as "rising star" thanks to the successful arrangement and an initiative "A belt and a way".

It is expected p that Piraeus becomes a hub which will unite land "An economic belt Shelkovy Morskoy ways" and the High-speed land and sea transport corridor for stimulation of economic growth in regions along "A belt and a way".

from the moment of promotion by the chairman China Xi Jinping an initiative about construction "A belt and ways" in three years were achieved by p considerable success.

Passing in September in the Guansi-Chzhuansky autonomous area the 13th China ASEAN exhibition setting as the purpose advance of cooperation lengthways "Sea Shelkovy Morskoy ways of the 21st eyelid" and community construction with uniform destiny China ASEAN, recruited more than 2600 companies from 29 states.

B celebrate 2016 the 25th anniversary of establishment of dialogue China ASEAN. The trade turnover between China and the countries of ASEAN grew from 8 billion dollars in 1991 to 472 billion in 2015, having shown an annual gain at the level of 18,5 percent

For the end of May, 2016, mutual investments made 160 billion dollars. At the moment China is the largest trade partner for ASEAN, and this association acts as the third largest trade partner for China.

At present more than 300 Chinese enterprises conduct the activity in 26 eight countries of ASEAN, having invested in them about 1,77 billion dollars.

the Former prime minister Thailand Abhisit Vejjajiva noted that the initiative "A belt and a way" will allow to strengthen relations between people and will open new opportunities for Thailand and other states.