Artemovsky athletes won a team competition of the regional sports contest "Invasport-2016"

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Druzhnaya team of Artemovsky city society of disabled people - winners of "Invasporta-2016". Photo: it is provided by information directorate AGO

the National team of Artemovsky city society of disabled people, having outstripped 28 teams at competitions in Arsenyev

of Vladivostok, on October 5, regional news agency "PrimaMedia". With triumph from the regional sports contest "Invasport-2016" which was taking place in Arsenyev, athletes of Artemovsky city society of the disabled people, won at these competitions the first all-command place returned. Winners of competitions outstripped the next rival by quantity of points almost twice and confirmed a rank of all-around champions Primorsky territory, having bypassed in the overall ranking of 28 teams, reported regional news agency "PrimaMedia" in information directorate of administration of the Artemovsky city district.

Athletes from everything Primorsky territory gathered in Arsenyev to compete in seven sports: swimming, checkers, chess, track and field athletics, to powerlifting, table tennis and darts. The team of future winners of a sports contest acted in all types, having won all first places. The captain of the artemovsky team Baranova Alla , – trainers Chukanov Ruslan and Ivoylov Igor was engaged in preparation in selection of future champions. Kosyuk Valery became p> to

One of heroes of a sports contest. Absolutely not not seeing athlete on an equal basis with disabled people on the general disease in one day competed in swimming, run, a press of a bar and became the winner in all types. From the female participants Shkolnikova Valentine , the fragile girl who became the gold medallist in swimming competitions, chess and table tennis.

by words of the chairman of Artemovsky society of disabled people Panchenko Andrey , for development invasporta in Artem become a lot of things. Athletes are delegated on all sporting events which take place in the territory Primorsky territory. In the company of disabled people to the address: st. of Kirov, 66 successfully works the sports hall and all conditions for training of athletes are created. Society constantly works in the direction of sports promoting among disabled people and tries to attract as much as possible people in sports, after all in sports of physically disabled people can realize the potential and prove everything that all vozmozhno.

Alla Baranova
Chukanov Ruslan
Ivoylov Igor
Kosyuk Valery
Shkolnikova Valentine