At performance of Tbilisi theater in Tula was the notice

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Tbilissky state academic Russian drama theater of name Ampere-second. Griboyedov was brought to Tula by "Holstomera". Inhabitants of Tula accepted performance with a bang, Yemelyanov Aleksey shared impressions with "RG" of the deputy director of the Tula academic drama theater.

Practically all tickets for the first performance of guests were bought up by p long before the beginning of tours. The day before guests carried out dress rehearsal, getting acquainted with a scene of the Tula drama theater. And in the evening - performance. The hall was full.

- to Play "Holstomera" in the homeland Tolstoy Leo is is honourable, responsibly and disturbingly, - the director of Tbilisky theater Sventitsky Nicholas noticed. - After all the first work - the story "Childhood" Tolstoy Leo wrote to Georgia. And today we brought on "Holstomer's" his homeland.

It also reminded that performance is devoted to memory of great figures of the Russian theater Tovstonogov Georgy and Lebedeva Eugenie, also beginning the career to Georgia.

Guests worried in vain: statement Varsimashvili Avtandil caused original delight. Performance Holstomer. History of a horse" - about the cruel relation to an old age, human ruthlessness to "black sheep", about fight moral and immoral, about a choice, as to spiritual freedom oppressed, but not broken being … The director managed to create modern bright and spectacular action, and thus - tragic and shrill. Statement caused a storm of an applause: it so was pleasant to the viewer that actors were not released from a scene of minutes by fifteen. we Will remind p to

, performance - the winner of many prestigious international festivals. So, in December, 2013 this performance was awarded with the Grand Prix of the XI International forum of theater "the Gold Hero" in Moscow, and the leading man Kharyutchenko Valery became an owner of "The gold diploma".

However, and to guests liked the Tula viewer:" We under impression of the welcome accorded by the Tula public", - Sventitsky Nicholas noticed, having emphasized goodwill, keenness and a subtlety of perception of inhabitants of Tula. Today since morning guests went to the estate Tolstoy Leo "Yasnaya Polyana". And in the evening - performance, and tickets, by words Yemelyanov Aleksey, too practically all are bought up.

Within tours there will pass also presentation of the book of professor of Tbilisi state university Filina Maria" Tolstoy Leo to Georgia" from the Russians to <10> Georgia series which here lets out some years the International cultural and educational union "Russian Club" in this country.

- We still sacredly believe that centripetal force is stronger centrifugal if this center is the culture, - the president of club Sventitsky Nicholas emphasized. - Spirituality, creativity, belief, sincere relationship of people are for us both sense, and incentive, and the purpose. Promotion of positive images Georgia and Russian Federation through art, literature, science is the most noble and grateful promotion, it is a basis of any relationship, that really connects, instead of separates the people.

"RG" Reference

Tbilisi state academic Russian drama theater of A.S. Griboyedov - the oldest Russian theater outside Russian Federation, the first professional theatrical collective in the Caucasus. Its repertoire policy is directed on promoting of classical Russian dramatic art. The theater is awarded by an award "Zvezda Teatrala" in the nomination "The Best Russian Theatre Abroad". Today the theater of Griboyedov is the most visited theater Georgia, and for the last year the collective acted in 12 countries. Tours of Tbilisi state drama theater of name Ampere-second. Griboyedov pass in Tula on September 27 and 28 within the foreign program "Big Tours-2016" of the federal center for support of tour activity at Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation. Besides Tula the griboyedovsky theater will visit Kaluga, Yaroslavl, Kursk, Voronezh.