Grodno could apply for a rank of the Belarusian cultural gate of the Silk way - Svetlov Boris

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Boris Svetlov. Photo from archive
Svetlov Boris. Photo from arkhiva

27 September, Minsk / BELTA/Correspondent. Grodno could apply for a rank of the Belarusian cultural gate of the Silk way. Such initiative the Minister of Culture sounded Belarus Svetlov Boris during the first International cultural the EXPO of the Silk way in the city Dunhuang (China), reported Belarusian cable agency "Belta" in the Ministry of Culture.

"Today we are contemporaries and accomplices of a new stage of revival of the Great Silk way and its cultural component, - Svetlov Boris noted. - Process of this revival proceeds systemically, is conscious and operated, realizuya a concept which Xi Jinping accurately formulated, saying to that "we should build the bridge of joint prosperity of cultures which will unite the Chinese and European civilizations". In this regard the minister offered in each country - to the participant of the Silk way to define the city which could become symbolical cultural gate. To Belarus such city could become Grodno.

by words Svetlov Boris, to Belarus initiatives highly appreciate China, aimed at the development of cultural traditions of the different countries and cooperation expansion in the field of culture between foreign partners. Belarus, being in the center , Belarus, lying in line with the Great Silk way, and from the North on the South noted by the well-known way "from the Varangian in Greeks", also makes the contribution to cultural rapprochement of the Euroasian countries and the people on the basis of their historical and cultural and civilization community.

during a meeting of the Belarusian delegation with the Minister of Culture China Lo Shugan reached the agreement on carrying out in 2017 of Days of culture Belarus in China. It is also known that the delegation on theatrics China from October 7 to October 10 the current year will visit Belarus for acquaintance to country theater. The Ministry of Culture of two countries will take active part in the actions devoted to the 25 anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations between Belarus and China.


between Belarus and China in the culture sphere actively develop. In particular, between profile departments the contract on cooperation in the field of culture for 2012-2016 works, between the governments the agreement on creation of the Belarusian-Chinese intergovernmental committee on cooperation is signed. The purpose of its work - expansion, strengthening and enhancing cooperation between two countries, including in the culture sphere. Belarus act on the territory Confucius's three institutes. In 2017 opening of the cultural centers Belarus in Beijing and China in Minsk is planned. Dynamically cooperation in the sphere of art education develops. In three higher educational institutions Belarus - University of culture, Academy of music and Academy of arts - study about 25% of the Chinese students getting an education in the republic. To Belarus Chinese studying gains the increasing popularity. In a number of high schools of the country Chinese is learned as the first foreign.

Xi Jinping
Last position: Chairman of People's Republic of China (Chairman of the People's Republic of China)
Lo Shugan
Last position: Minister (Ministry culture and tourism China)
Boris Svetlov
Last position: Chairman (Belarusian confederation of Creative unions)
Government Agency