In Government of Krasnoyarsk territory there were personnel shifts

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of In one day in the regional government there was one resignation and one new appointment
In one day in Krayevoye government happened one resignation and one new naznacheniye

Krasnoyarsk, on September 26, RIA "FederalPress". Today in regional the government day of resignations and appointments. The post was left by the deputy chairman of the government, the Minister of Economic Development, investment policy and external relations Zubarev Victor. And Antonenko Gennady was appointed today to a position of the head of regional agency on development of northern territories and support of small indigenous people.

Zubarev Victor left a post of the Deputy Prime Minister and the regional minister as passes to work into State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation: Zubarev Victor became on a result of recent elections a leader on the district. the Order , signed by the governor Tolokonsky, already came into force. About the successor Zubarev Victor information while is not present.

Since today the regional agency on development of northern territories starts working in a new position and Antonenko Gennady, headed . The contract is signed with it for a period of three years.

However, appointment Antonenko Gennady is in a sense formality: upon it directed agency since February of this year after from a position of the head ahead of schedule Kozlovsky Vladimir left .