In the Turkish Kilis six people suffered from explosion of the Syrian shell

@Rossijskaja gazeta
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At least six people suffered in the Turkish city Kilis because of explosion of the shell which has flown from the territory of Syrie. As reports Information company "RIA Novosti" , it is to the Turkish mass media the mayor Hassan Kara confirmed.

the Shell which has been let out from the territory of Syrie, became torn in the city market Kilis. According to the Turkish journalists, as a result of attack five children and one adult were wounded." Six people got wounds, five of them children, it is the Syrian citizens", - the mayor Hassan Kara on air of the Turkish TV channel NTV declared.

police officers and doctors work At a place incident. Law enforcement officers Kilis urge locals to leave the downtown.

according to eyewitnesses, the shell, allegedly, arrived from the Syrian territory located in 20 kilometers from the Turkish border. This part of the country DAISh group (the Arab name forbidden in Russian Federation controls "IGIL"). we Will remind p to

that the Turkish Kilis and was exposed earlier to attacks from border territories of Syrie which are controlled by fighters. As a result of such attacks 21 persons were lost, about 40 more got wounds.


Turkey returned fire on DAISh positions in Syrie after attack Kilis. About it it is spoken in the statement distributed by the General Staff Turkey: "Today at 14.40 on the city Kilis one rocket from the Syrian territory which is under control to DAISh was released. Place, attack, zapelengovano by means of a radar then the Turkish VS opened on it fire from "Fyrtyn's" howitzers and systems of volley fire" from where was made.