PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "ROSTELECOM" and the leaders of Republic of Buryatia was discussed by prospects of developments telecommunication infrastructure of the region

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to Ulan-Ude took place on September 20 a meeting of the vice-president – the director of macroregional branch "Siberia" of PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "ROSTELECOM" Zenin Nicholas with chapter Republic of Buryatia Vyacheslav Nagovitsyn. At a meeting there were the director of regional branch of companies Zdarov Andrey, the minister transports, power engineering specialists and road economy Kozlov Sergei, the chairman of Committee of information technologies and documentary communication Andronov Valery. Discussion of questions of telecommunications and elimination of a digital inequality in the territory Republic of Buryatia became the main subject of a meeting.

during a meeting discussed prospects of developments PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "ROSTELECOM" in the territory of the republic. The priority direction designated increase in penetration of broadband access to a network the Internet. Realization of this task will allow to reduce level of a digital inequality between inhabitants of the cities and rural settlements.

PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "ROSTELECOM" conducts work on the organization of collective points of access to Internet within the project on elimination of a digital inequality. Now ours company connected on fiber-optical communication lines of a point of access in 22 small settlements Republic of Buryatia", – Zenin Nicholas reported.

Zenin Nicholas emphasized that between Government of the Republic of Buryatia and PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "ROSTELECOM" the agreement on full-scale cooperation regarding implementation of joint investment projects on development telecommunication infrastructure in the remote areas Republic of Buryatia is reached.

As the head of the republic Vyacheslav Nagovitsyn commented on meeting results, "to Republic of Buryatia the special attention to expansion of broadband access to a network the Internet is paid, to implementation of programs of alignment of access to information technologies that the qualitative Internet was available to each inhabitant of the republic. About it today there was a speech at a meeting. And we reached certain agreements".

In 2015 between Government of the Republic of Buryatia, Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation and PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "ROSTELECOM" were concluded the tripartite agreement on installation of 120 collective points of access to Internet with a speed up to 10 Mbps in settlements numbering from 250 to 500 people. Thanks to the federal program "Elimination of a Digital Inequality" villagers on an equal basis with citizens have an access to unlimited opportunities which Internet gives: expeditious obtaining information, distance learning, communication with relatives, access to sites of state services.

Valery Andronov
Last position: Head (Committee digital development of the Republic of Buryatia)
Sergei Kozlov
Last position: Director (Branch of open joint-stock company "Interregional grid distribution company Sibiri" "Buryatenergo")
Zenin Nicholas
Zdarov Andrey
Vyacheslav Nagovitsyn