Regional dancing competition will take place in Primorsky territory

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of In the territory of the city district Fokino will pass on September 24 and 25 regional competition of choreographic art and baletmeystersky works "A dancing breeze-2016". The recreation facility "Sandbox" becomes a traditional venue of a festival. Russian information company "Deyta. ru" reported about it in Department cultures Primorsky Krai.

Competition will take place p already for the eighth time with support of Department cultures Primorsky Krai. Regional action received the status in 2014, before it in a current of five years was considered as the regional. Thanks to the glory in the region the new rank was appropriated to it.

the Purpose of competition is assistance to a full development of choreographic art, professional and creative growth of skill of ballet masters, moral and esthetic education of younger generation, preservation and development of the best traditions of choreographic art, attraction to participation of gifted creative youth, art and esthetic education and the organization of leisure of the population of the city.

about thirty choreographic collectives, ensembles traditionally participate In a festival from municipalities Primorsky territory, including from Vladivostok, Ussuriysk, Artyoma, Nakhodka. Big Stone. There come also choreographic collectives from other regions of the Far East. The number of participants will make more than 850 people aged from 4 till 25 years.

Participants present to p on competition two dances in such nominations as national dance, children's dance, the national stylized dance, variety dance, modern choreography, the show program, classical dance. Performance of participants of competition estimates professional jury from among known cultural figures and art. Winners receive mementoes, diplomas "Winner", "Student" of competition, and also the diploma "Gold shoe", founded by competition jury for the best production work.

the Organizer is the administration of the city district Fokino with support of the Public autonomous institution "Seaside Regional Center of National Culture".

"Dancing breeze" it is urged to unite all directions of dance, to become a reason for celebration of this form of art and its ability to overcome all political, cultural and ethnic borders, its abilities to unite people for friendship and the world, allowing to speak to them one language – dance language.


: department of culture Fokino