The first public display of a private collection of pictures will take place Verkhovodov Felix on September 21

@NIA Nizhnij Novgorod
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Felix Verkhovodov (Photo: NIA Nizhny Novgorod)

Verkhovodov Felix



(Independent information company "Nizhny Novgorod" - Nerovnya Tatyana) the First public display of a private collection of pictures Verkhovodov Felix will pass NIA "Nizhny Novgorod" Independent information company "Nizhny Novgorod" on September 21. The director general of PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "GAZPROM GAZORASPREDELENIE NIZHNY NOVGOROD" Verkhovodov Felix presented the collection within a press conference on September 20.
according to the collector, on an exposition will present 50 pictures from a private collection which were written by artists Feoktistova Asya, Bukh Aron, Okorokov Anatoly, Slepyshev Anatoly and Aleshin Valery. Verkhovodov Felix noted that it only part of cloths from a personal collection which totals only 250 works of various authors.
"Everything began br 20 years ago. Then I started getting pictures partially in a housing interior, it is partially simple for myself - as they say, as a hobby. It all were works of the Nizhny Novgorod artists. Then the hobby became more large-scale. It is a pity that I cannot present on a public review all works from a collection yet. There is a lot of them. Some of them at my place. Some at working office, but the most part is in special storages", - Verkhovodov Felix told.

It hoped that further there will be an opportunity to organize a place for constant expositions of cloths that they became general property.

"All presented pictures very different also are not connected by the general context, they - object of my love, instead of reflection of art taste. I have no profile education and I rely on the emotions and a professional advice. 50 pictures which are dated for my 50-year anniversary are represented in a collection. The forthcoming exhibition is disturbing for me because earlier I never exposed these pictures, and I worry, whether they will be pleasant to residents of Nizhny Novgorod", - the collector reported.

Display of an exposition will take place in gallery of the modern art of Futuro to the address of Rozhdestvenskaya St., 6 from September 21 to September 23, 2016.