All-Russia People's Front to Sakha (Yakutia) Republic: Tyoply Stan at last will find heat?

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ONF in Yakutia: Tyoply Stan at last will find heat?
: of All-Russia People's Front

of YAKUTIA.INFO. Three years ago in Lensk began the grandiose project – resettlement of citizens from emergency and shabby housing to the residential district "Tyoply Stan". Administration of the municipal entity Lensk city of the Lensky district of the Sakha Republic became the participant of the republican address program "Resettlement of Citizens from Emergency Housing Stock taking into account Need of Developments Low Housing Constructions for 2013-2015". As a result for 250 million rubles 116 inhabited apartments in five 24-apartment houses of the residential district were acquired.

At delivery of housing of the power of the area and the city held solemn meeting with ribbon cutting in which distinguished guests of republican level took part also. And, it seems, new settlers had to be happy, but, judging by addresses of immigrants, in particular, in executive committee All-Russia People's Front to Sakha (Yakutia) Republic, their pleasure was premature.

"Us from ours emergency houses in January, 1914 quickly asked to move, – the inhabitant of the house No. 5 of Tyoply Stan Sivankov Mikhail tells. – When on the street there were 50 degrees below zero, in the house there were 4 degrees of heat, and floors became covered by ice. When the wind rose, temperature fell practically to zero. Then winds ceased, became warmer – stem of thermometer rose to ten degrees, ice thawed. And endured the rest of winter".

the residents Concerned by a temperature mode at once addressed in different instances. Inspection of apartments was performed, measured a temperature mode. It appeared, heat moved according to norm. The reason of low temperature in houses was covered in walls and their warming.

Members of a staff of regional office of All-Russia People's Front Zhondorov Anton and Lyuty Valery left to Lensk and carried out an inspection according to complaints inhabitants of the residential district. It appeared that immigrants from emergency houses got to "a new hazardous dwelling" in which it is very cold, floors, walls, door and window apertures are deformed.

JSC Stroy Capital

LLC "STROY CAPITAL" constructed residential buildings which under definition "new emergency houses" as well as possible approached. Initially there were violations of technical, sanitary, fire protection regulations and rules. Houses were built without climatic conditions. In construction thin plywood, a low-quality heater was used. Bearing wooden designs were mounted with violations. The first winter of the building transferred with losses. Thin plywood in places cracked, in places fell off. In a number of apartments floors began to fail. Sewer systems came to an emergency state.

the Administration of Lensk where till 2015 residents regularly addressed, got off with formal replies. Officials referred to that are participants of share construction, instead of customers, bypassing a question of the one who had to accept objects.

However knew to veterans that in December, 2013 the local government gave out permission to input of objects in operation. The administration of Lensk closed eyes to all violations and did not want to assume responsibility.

of YaRO of All-Russia People's Front in administrations of Lensk, ulus Lensky , and also at a meeting with the head of the republic Yegor Borisov repeatedly brought up a question. The letter was sent to prosecutor's office the republics.

Within check Administration of State Construction and Housing Supervision of the Sakha Republic established to

violations at construction of houses. The designer of LLC "STROY PROJECT" coordinated considerable changes of the working documentation used by the contractor in the course of building of objects regarding constructive and technical solutions, influencing reliability and safety object. Contractors allowed the numerous changes expressed in inadequate warm and a waterproofing of buildings, carrying out low-quality welding works, etc.

as a result of check by prosecutor's office ulus Lensky to the builder LLC "STROY CAPITAL" was brought by

idea of elimination of the revealed violations.

However in January, 2016 of All-Russia People's Front to Sakha (Yakutia) Republic established that events for elimination of shortcomings of houses were not held. As a result of negotiations of activists of All-Russia People's Front with the chief controler of the address program for resettlement of citizens – the Ministry of architecture and a construction complex – developed a road map on elimination of remarks on object "Construction of five 24 apartment houses in the residential district Tyoply Stan of Lensk". Lag from the approved schedule – till August 1, 2016 was observed. But nevertheless to the middle of August of work were begun and of the recent missive in the republican ministry assured that will carry out all works, in particular, on warming of houses to the middle of October.

"We do not remove about controls a situation across Tyoply Stan, – the head of executive committee of All-Russia People's Front to Sakha (Yakutia) Republic Lyuty Valery told. – Let's observe by means of local activists of the Popular front. There is a wish to hope that this time drudgeries of inhabitants of the distressful area remain behind", reports regional executive committee of All-Russia People's Front to Sakha (Yakutia) Republic.

Yegor Borisov
Last position: Vice-chairman (Committee Federation Council on agrarian and food policy and environmental management)
Sivankov Mikhail
Zhondorov Anton
Lyuty Valery